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Debate Club (KDC) 2nd session

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2009-12-03 00:00
  • Hit292
Dear debaters hiJ Thanks a lot for your participation in the first session. Here is some new information that I want to share with you. ·          Next session will be held in room number 9205 at 6:30pm, Wed( for your convenience, I reserved the room for whole semester, so all of sessions will be held in the same room ) ·         We registered our club in student academic affairs office, isn’t it great? ·         Since the name of the club was too long we (club officers, Zahra, Yaser, Captain Nam, Tawfiq) changed it to KDC (KDI School Debate Club), hope you like itJ. Anyone who have a better suggestion please let us know. ·         Capitan Nam accepted to be the financial officer of the club. So he will be collecting the money (10000 Won ) that we discussed in the meeting, next session. Also he will be in charge of weekly refreshment and any other financial issues. ·         These are the topics which will be consider for debate ( off course you can suggest other topics)  Assist suicide should be legally allow. Abortion should be legal. Democracy should not be forced on Middle Eastern countries. Psychiatrist should not prescribe medicine. Private education in Korea should be outlawed. Global warming Global health care Arab- Israel issue And hope to see all of you on Wed.   Regards Zahra Tel: 010-5838-1363