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2017 Summer Club Activity Report Submission (~7.31)

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameSuong, Boeun
  • Date2017-07-13 19:23
  • Hit372

2017 Summer Club Activity Report Submission


1. Document for Club Activity Report : There are 5 sheets in the Club Activity Report Form

*(Upload at Club board & Submit it in person)

(1) General Information: If you are leaving KDIS after completion ceremony, please change the bank holder to the other for the reimbursement.

(2) Activity Overview

(3) Financial Support Details

(4) Copy of receipts: Please make a copy of receipts and submit the original receipts to me. (Ms. Boeun)

(5) Photos


2. Contents of sheets for original receipts

- It needs to be ORIGIANL RECEIPTS (not a delivery receipts, hand-written receipts..)

- Receipts need to be placed order of date

- Please attach it with glue (not a stapler, sticky tape..)


3. Contents of sheets for pictures of activities

- Please attach as many photos as you can

- You can extend the sheet for your photos


4. Important Note

- Please note that the form is updated

- Reimbursement will take maximum 3 weeks


5. Submission Period

By July 31st, 18:00 pm (*Upload at Club board & Submit it to Ms.Boeun in person)


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Boeun Suong (be_suong@kdischool.ac.kr / 440-550-1076)

Student Affairs Division


  • docx 첨부파일 Club Activity Report_updated.docx (14.77KB / Download 198회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 (Description)2017 Summer_Student_list.pdf (73.62KB / Download 198회) Download