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KDIS Environmental Club Pro-Terra, July Activities

  • CategoryStudent Club
  • NameLEMUS RODAS, Axel Ronaldo
  • Date2021-08-04 14:39
  • Hit843

How green is your routine? Join KDIS Plastic Free Week today!


As the main outcome of club activities in July, the hardworking members of the KDIS Environmental Club Pro-Terra launched the "KDIS PLASTIC-FREE WEEK" social media campaign from August 2-7th. The challenge aims to spread awareness of a greener lifestyle by asking participants to try a different environmentally-friendly habit during each day of the week, upload a picture on social media with the hashtag #kdisplasticfreeweek to challenge their friends.



Which of these green habits have you already adopted?  Join us!


To see more details of July activities, see the attachment below!