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Application for Exchange Program for Fall 2024

  • CategoryExchange Notice
  • NameBoyoung Kim
  • Date2024-03-11 11:18
  • Hit1,145

1. International students who are the recipients of the designated scholarship program (which entails receiving a monthly stipend in Korea) are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for the exchange program, as these students are already pursuing their studies abroad in Korea.

2. Information provided in the following is subject to change.

3. MPPM 과정의 경우 아래에서 한국어로 되어있는 '자격요건' 부분 별도 확인 바랍니다. 


■ Partner Institutions

You will find the detailed information of each partner school from the link below:




Name of University



KU Leuven(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)



Aarhus University



ESSEC Business School


ISCID(Institut Superieur de Commerce International de Dunkerque)



Freie Universitaet Berlin


HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management


Hertie School



University of Malaya



UDLAP Universidad de las Americas Puebla



Nazarbayev University (NU)

■ Eligibility Requirements for Fall 2024 Application

1) Academic status:

· At the time of application: ‘Enrolled’ or ‘Leave of Absence’

· During exchange period: ‘Enrolled’ or ‘Completed’

2) Completion of semesters

· Full-time program students: completion of three termby the time of departure (전일제 학생은 파견 시점까지 3학기 이수)

· Part-time program students: completion of three terms by the time of application (야간제 학생은 지원 시점까지 3학기 이수)

3) At least 18 credits completed, including core courses

· Spring Students: by the time of application (봄 입학생은 지원 시점 기준)

· Fall Students: by the time of departure (가을 입학생은 출발 시점 기준)

4) CGPA of at least 3.5 or above (by the time of application / highly recommended)

5) English test score required by the partner school (or 'Proof of English Proficiency' issued by KDI School(if applicable))

For most partner schools, students pursuing their degree programs in English at KDI School can replace an English test score with a 'Proof of English Proficiency' issued by KDI School. However, the English score requirements vary for the partner schools; therefore, please check each partner school's requirement carefully.

■ 자격요건(MPPM 과정만 해당)

1) 학적

- 지원 시점 기준: '재학' 또는 '휴학'

- 파견 기간 기준: '재학' 또는 '수료'

2) 이수학기 및 학점

- 파견 시점 기준, 필수과목* 포함 21학점 이상 이수 및 4학기 이상 이수 (*정책실습Ⅱ: Individual Research SeminarⅡ~Ⅳ 제외)

3) 전체평균평점(CGPA) 3.5 이상 (highly recommended)

4) 영어성적 또는 영어능력증빙

- MPPM 과정은 한국어 과정으로 대학원의 ‘Proof of English Proficiency' 증빙 발급이 불가하여 이에 준하는 언어능력 기준자격을 아래와 같이 필요로 함

  ∙ 본교 영어프로그램 전공과목 6학점* 이상 취득자로 해당 과목의 평점평균(CGPA) 3.5 이상의 성적을 획득한 자는 영어능력 증빙문서 발급

    * 졸업학점으로 인정되는 교과목에 한하며, 지원당시 수강 중인 교과목과 국가정책학 석/박사프로그램 교과목 제외

  ∙ 단, 영미권 학부 졸업자 또는 TOEFL iBT 80~90 / IELTS 5.5 이상 면제 가능(* 제휴교 별 요구 기준에 따라 상이할 수 있음)

■ Application Materials

1) Application Form (attached) *ID photo should be attached to the form

2) Resume (attached)

3) Statement of Purpose (attached)

4) Transcript of Academic Records (KDI School)

5) English Test Score (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) or Proof of English Proficiency issued by KDI School(if applicable)  

6) GMAT equivalent or higher than 600 (applicable only for HHL Dual Degree Program)


■ Submission Period: ~ March 31st(Sun.) 

* Please submit a scanned copy of a complete set of the documents to the Student Affairs Division via email (by_kim@kdischool.ac.kr)


■ Notification to Accepted Candidates

Approximately 1 month after the submission period


■ Period of Exchange Program

One semester to one academic year (one/two/three terms depending on partner institutions)


■ Important Notes

Exchange students MUST maintain academic status of ‘Enrolled’ or ‘Completed’ during their exchange period. Graduation during an exchange semester is prohibited


■ For further information on the partner schools, click "STUDENTS" on the top banner - LOG IN - Exchange Program - Partner Schools



■ All information including study period and number of selections by KDI School and partner institutions are subject to change. For more details, please contact Ms. Boyoung Kim(by_kim@kdishcool.ac.kr) 


Student Affairs Division

  • doc 첨부파일 Exchange_Application_Form_2024+Fall.doc (51KB / Download 35792회) Download