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Menu for FTLounge(03.18-03.22)

  • CategoryCafeteria
  • NameCafeteria
  • Date2024-03-16 12:47
  • Hit664

Lunch 11:30~13:30 MONDAY 03/18 Tuna egg mayo rice Fried fishcake bar 참치에그마요덮밥 야채핫바튀김 FTL(Food for Thought Lounge) (Weekly Menu TUESDAY 03/19 Chicken cutiet with Rose sauce Glaze croissant -로제치킨까스 글레이즈크로와상 WEDNESDAY 03/20 Pad thai noodies Sweet and sour chicken 팟타이누들 치킨탕수육 THURSDAY 03/21 BBQ Chicken steak Wedge potato 바베큐치킨스테이크 웨지감자튀김 FRIDAY 03/22 Chicken soboro rice Tacoyad (2P) 치킨소보로덮밥 타코야끼 (2P) Yoll -Self Bar- Dinner 17:30-19:00 -Fresh salad & Dressing -그린샐러드 & 드레싱 -Pickle & Soup -피클류& 맑은국 Hashed rice Fried shrimp (2P) 하이라이스덮밥 왕 새우튀김 (2P) Fresh saled & Dressing -그린블러드 & 드레싱 -Picide & Soup -피플 & 맑은국 Asian style chicken mince with rice Fried eggs & shrimp chips 풋카파오까이쌀 - 계란후라이 & 알새우칩 Fresh beansprout 토필숙주 -Pickle & Soup 一피클류&닭국 Honey ricotta cheese & sweet potato salad Bread 허니리코타고구마샐러드 모닝함 Fresh salad & Dressing -그린샐러드 & 드래실 -Picide & Soup 一番& 닭국 Beef bulgogi with rice Fried eggs 소불고기야채덮밥 계란후라이 Fresh saled & Dressing -그린샐러드 & 드레싱 -Pickle & Soup Chill shrimp sandwich Juice 철리쉬림프샌드위치 쥬스 -Self Bar- -Pickle & Soup -피클류& 맑은국 -Pickle & Soup 一피클류& 맑은국 -Picide 一番界 -Pickle & Soup 一피클류 & 맑은국 Fresh salad & Dressing -그린샐러드 & 드레싱 -Picide -피클류