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[NOTICE] UN Forum Shuttle Bus Notification

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-12-06 00:00
  • Hit189

Dear students who apply for UN Forum

Greetings from KDI School

Please find attached file and check the result of shuttle bus service registration.

1. Check your name and shuttle bus date/time. (Names on the list are in alphabetical order.)

2. Those students who missed registration period (highlighted in orange) please let Academic Affairs Division know shuttle bus time or come to the venue by yourself.

3. Those students who apply for BOTH 7:30 and 11:30 on JUNE 24(highlighted in yellow) please choose one and let Academic Affairs Division know.

If there is any change, please drop by or reply us by e-mail so that Academic Affairs Division knows by JUNE 18 Wednesday (Tomorrow).

In addition, please find the attached form and submit a report 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length regarding the each session you participated in to unfroum@kdis.ac.kr by no later than JUNE 28 (Sat.).

If you have further inquiries about shuttle bus, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you

Academic Affairs Division

  • docx 첨부파일 2014 UN Public Service Forum REPORT.docx (0Byte / Download 147회) Download
  • xlsx 첨부파일 UN Forum student list_attachment(revised).xlsx (0Byte / Download 148회) Download