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  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2004-12-05 00:00
  • Hit713
Greetings, the Administration Division would like to inform you of the upcoming construction, maintenance, and cleaning scheduled for this Spring Vacation. Please refer to the information below. 1. From May 13th (FRI) to May 15th (SUN) : The Administrative office will relocate within Dasan Hall
2. From May 18th (WED) to May 19th (THUR):
- Yulgok Hall #301, classroom maintenance
3. May 19th, (THUR)
- Library and Reading Room lighting installation
- Sofa Cleaning: Sofa’s in the Library, Reading Rooms,Yulgok
Hall,and 6th floor rooms #607,#608,#614,#615,#616,#617 will all have their sofa’s cleaned.

4. From May 21th (SAT):
- Dasan Hall, 2nd floor, hallway carpet installation

5. Wax On, Wax Off Maintenance:
- May 16th : Yulgok Hall, 7th floor, Classroom 705
- May 17th : Yulgok Hall, 2nd floor hallway
- May 18th : Dasan Hall, 3rd floor, Student Study Room 2 & hallway
- May 19th : Dasan Hall, 4th floor, all Student Study Rooms & hallway
- May 20th : Yulguk Hall, 3rd floor, hallway

**PLEASE NOTE: Students will not be allowed to enter the Study Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors on May 19th ? 20th. Please prepare in advance.

May. 10. 2005
The KDI School Administration Division