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NOTICE : Applying for Working Scholarship(TA/AA Positions) for 2004

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2003-12-01 00:00
  • Hit966
Individuals who want to apply for a Teaching Assistantship (TA) or Administrative Assistantship (AA) position should complete the application form on the KDI School website and submit it, as described below.

1. Application Procedures

*Application Deadline: February 5th (Thu.), 2004, 18:00 (Seoul standard time)
*How to Apply
: You must complete and submit your application through the School website.
(Applications submitted via another method will not be accepted.)
1) Click on “KDI School Members,” at the bottom left-hand corner of the main page of the KDI School website, or click on the following link:
2) Log in using your ID and password
3) Then, Click "3. Applications"
4) Click “Application for Working Scholarship”
4) Complete the Application Form
5) When ready, hit “Submit.”

*Notification: On February 14th, successful applicants will be notified via e-mail or through a posting on the Message Board of the School website

2. About Teaching/Administrative Assistantships

* Job Description
- TA: Assist professors in preparing for classes, support their administrative work, or provide research assistance as needed.
-AA: Assist with administrative work.
*Working Period
- Students will be selected to work for either one full academic year or one term. The working period options are as follows:
1)One academic year: February 16th - December 3rd (36 weeks)
2)One term: Spring Term: February 16th - May 7th (12 weeks)

※ If an emergency arises, you can withdraw from your TA/AA obligation with the consent of your supervisor. However, if you do so, please inform Ms. Yeon-Jung KIM.

*Work Hours
- Up to 10 hours/week.
- Working hours are assigned in units of 5 hours per week.
- Students who apply for one term may in some cases be assigned only 5 hours per week.
- Students who apply for one year may be assigned a different amount of per-week working hours each term.

- 5,000 won per hour
1)5 hours/week = 150,000 won per 6-week period
2)10 hours/week = 300,000 won per 6-week period

*Payment Method
Your wages will be wired to your bank account every 6 weeks, once your work hours for the period have been verified.

*Position Assignment
- TA/AA Positions shall be assigned on a competitive basis.
- Applicants will be reviewed through an internal screening process.

Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Yeon-Jung KIM at Acedemic and Student Affairs by e-mailing jung@kdischool.ac.kr or calling (82-2-3299-1217)