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NOTICE : Special Lecture

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2004-10-31 00:00
  • Hit933

Dear students,

Please be informed of special guest lectures in Prof. SHIN, Jaeun’s Health Care Policy : Theory and Practice class. All are invited.

<1st : Oct. 25>

- Lecturer : HONG,Jeong-Kee(Director, Trade Affairs Division, Ministry of Health and Welfare)
- Time : Oct. 25(Tue.) 13:00 ? 14:30
- Venue : Room. 9213
- Topic : Current Policy Issues in the Korean Health Care System Reform : What Has Been Done and What More Can Be Done

<2nd : Oct. 27>

- Lecturer : Tchoe, Byongho(Director of Social Insurance Division, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs)
- Time : Oct. 27(Tue.) 13:00 ? 14:30
- Venue : Room. 9213
- Topic : Evaluation Health Care Reform Policy in Korea : An Example

All who are interested in this subject are welcomed to attend.

Thank you

LIM Hong Joo