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Application for TA(AA) Working Scholarship(2006 Fall)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2005-12-07 00:00
  • Hit594
1.Application Procedures

- Application Period : 10:00 a.m. July 14(Fri.), 2006 ~ 24:00 July 21(Fri.) 2006

- How to Apply : You must complete and submit your application through the KDI School website.

1) Click on ''KDI School Members'' and log in using your ID and password
2) Click ''3. Application''
3) Click ''Application for Working Scholarship''
4) Complete the Application Form
5) When ready, hit ''Submit''

2. Teaching/Administrative Assistantships

- Job Description

1. TA : assists professors in preparing for classes, upload professors'' lecture notes, support their administrative work, or provide research assistance as needed
2. AA : assists one of the offices of KDI School with administrative work

- Working Period : Fall Term (12 weeks) : Sep. 11th(Mon.), 2006 ~ Dec. 9(Sat.) 2006

* If an emergency arises, you can withdraw from your TA/AA obligation with the consent of your supervisor.
However, if you do so, please inform me of it in advance.

- Working Hours : Working hours are assigned in units of 5~10 hours/week for AAs and units of 5~ 10 hours/week for TAs.
Some TAs and AAs may be assigned over10 hours/week.

- Payment : TA 5,000 won per hour / AA 8,000 won per hour

- Payment Method : Your working scholarship will be wired to your bank account every 7 weeks after reviwing the TA(AA) working records.

- Position Assignment : TA/AA applicants will be reviewed through an internal screening process.

Should you have any inquiries, please contact me.


YOO, Young-Dae
Office of Academic & Student Affairs
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Tel: 82-2-3299-1253
Fax: 82-2-968-5071