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Fall Term Tuition Notice (등록금 납부 안내)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2005-12-06 00:00
  • Hit619
Dear Students,

Please be informed that you are requested to clear any balances for the Fall Term within the period indicated below.

1. Registration Period: 2006. 7. 3(Mon) ∼ 7. 7(Fri)

2. Tuition Fee: Please refer to the invoice in your mailbox

3. Please forward the tuition fee to the bank account below:

- Account Number: 254-044333-13-001(Woori Bank:우리은행)
054-065002-01-011(Industrial Bank of Korea:기업은행)
01-80-124353(Citibank: 씨티은행)
- Account Holder: KDI School of Public Policy and Management

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jungwoo Park (jwpark@kdischool.ac.kr).

Thank you.