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The 3rd CCRN Colloquium

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2008-12-05 00:00
  • Hit392
Please come join us for the third CCRN Colloquium on June 11, 2009, Thursday afternoon.   Professor Boyd W. Fuller will be speaking about “Surprising cooperation despite apparently irreconcilable differences: Agricultural water use efficiency and CALFED.”   Date & Time : June 11(Thu), 2009, 14:00~16:00 Venue: Videoconference Room (#303), KDI School   The necessity and utility of Consensus Building to resolve conflict between environmental conservation and water resources use have been discussed a lot. However, the discussion about how efficiently we could handle the process of carrying out the consensus has been lacking. Focusing on the consensus proceeding, this colloquium will discuss challenges facing decision-makers within the stakeholders, who believe strongly that they have ‘apparently irreconcilable differences’ and examine breakthroughs as well.   Two multi-stakeholder, collaborative processes convened by the CALFED Bay-Delta Program (also known as CALFED) on the issue of agricultural water use efficiency in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river watersheds of California are topics to discuss. Analyzing the two processes, this colloquium shows that the stakeholders, conveners, and facilitators in these processes were asked to do much more than just making the discrete trades across interests or reframing. For effective collaborative processes, Professor Boyd W. Fuller suggests that following concepts could provide insights into the collaborative process: boundary objects and interlanguage from outside consensus building, along with bricolage and representation less well-known concepts and issues within the consensus building literature.   If you would like to attend this lecture, please e-mail your RSVP to Mr. Park, Baekyoung (pbk@kdischool.ac.kr) by June 1st(Monday).   For additional information, please feel free to contact CCRN staff (Tel: 02-3299-1299). Upcoming colloquium series will be updated at CCRN homepage (http://ccrn.kdischool.ac.kr).