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2nd Special Lecture on Career Development

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-12-03 00:00
  • Hit290

It is my great pleasure to inform you that the 2nd Special Lecture on Career Development will be held on March 18 (Fri), featuring Mr. KIM, Hyung-Ho, the CEO of Korea Fixed Income Consulting (2006, MAM Alumnus).

This lecture is aimed to teach specific strategies in entering financial sectors. The talk will break down different qualifications required for different industries (e.g., Banks, Securities, Asset Managers, Insurers, etc), different asset management (e.g., Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Real Estate, etc) and different positions (e.g., Analyst/Portfolio Manager, Investment Banker, Risk Manager, Broker/Dealer, Private Banker, etc). Those who wish to work in above fields will surely benefit from the lecture.

Please note that the lecture will be in Korean this time. Any interested students and alumni are cordially invited. For the registration, please refer to the information below.

- Speaker: KIM, Hyung-Ho, CEO of Korea Fixed Income Consulting (MAM Alumnus, 2006)

- Title: Specific Entry Strategy to Financial Industries

- Date & Time: March 18 (Friday), 7PM ~ 9PM

Venue: 9213, 2nd Floor, KDI School

- Language: Korean

- Seat Availability: 50 (first come, first served)

- Registration: By email only (email: job@kdischool.ac.kr) * Be sure to include your name, major, and entering year in the mail.

* Dinner will be provided.