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7th CCRN Colloquium

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2008-11-01 00:00
  • Hit442

Please come and join us for the 7th CCRN Colloquium on the afternoon of Thursday November 26, 2009.

Hong-yeop Park will be giving a lecture on the topic, "Understanding and Application of Conflict Management and Negotiation”

Speaker: Hong-yeop Park (Institute of Governmental Studies, Korea University)

Date & Time: November 26 (Thurs.), 2009, 15:00- 16:30

Venue: Videoconference Room (#303), KDI School

The process of conflict resolution and conflict management requires the interdisciplinarity. Public Administration deals with conflict as important topic, so The method of administration will provide a unique process of thinking in conflict management.


If you would like to attend this lecture, please RSVP to Mr. Baekyoung Park (pbk@kdischool.ac.kr) by Monday, November 23th, so that we may order the appropriate number of lunches.

For additional information, please feel free to contact the CCRN staff (Tel: 02-3299-1299). Upcoming colloquium series will be updated on the CCRN homepage (http://ccrn.kdischool.ac.kr).

We look forward to seeing many of you there.