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The 2nd CCRN Colloquium

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2008-12-04 00:00
  • Hit415
Please come join us for the second CCRN Colloquium on May 7, 2009, Thursday afternoon!   Nan Wallet Burnett and Judge Howard Broadman, founding members of the non-profit organization, ‘Mediators Beyond Borders International’ will be speaking about their organization and its conflict resolution and peace-building projects all around the world.   Audiences will hear interesting and amazing stories of visionary activists and thinkers in the field of conflict resolution and peace-building. Also, they will learn how they have developed ADR practices in US and understand how so many professional neutrals can play important roles in their societies.   · Date & Time: May 7 (Thu), 2009, 14:00-16:00 · Venue: Ambassador Hall (7th Fl), KDI School of Public Policy and              Management   Founded in 2006, Mediators Beyond Borders is a non-profit organization operating from a central office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It brings together experienced volunteer mediators world-wide to improve conflict resolution capacity and support alternative approaches to expressing, negotiating and resolving interpersonal, political, economic, social, ethnic and religious differences. MBB operates globally through a rapidly growing international network of regional and university chapters and partnerships. There are currently over 200 members spanning North and South America, Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa.  Nan Waller Burnett is a high conflict mediator, psychotherapist, conflict systems design consultant, relationship coach, educator and a founding partner in Dispute Resolution Professionals, Inc., established in 1997 in the Denver metropolitan area.  Nan holds the Advanced Practitioner status in the Association for Conflict Resolution’s Family, Training and Workplace sections [ACR]. She is currently the National Chair of the ACR Spirituality Section. She is a member of American Family and Conciliation Courts, Colorado Council of Mediators, the Metro Denver Interdisciplinary Committee for Families, the ADR section of the Colorado Bar Association, and the Association of Humanistic Counselors. Nan has been on the faculty at Regis University in Denver, CO since 1999 where she teaches Theories of Collaborative Negotiation, Mediation, Power Dynamics, Persuasion, and Conflict Management in the graduate programs. Nan is the author of a daily spiritual practice book entitled Calm in the Face of the Storm: Spiritual Daily Practice for the Peacemaker , the winner of the 2008 Gold Medal for Spirituality/Inspiration at the National Independent Book Publishers Awards. Judge Howard R. Broadman is a private Judge, Mediator and Arbitrator. During his tenure at the Tulare County Superior Court, he was recognized as a creative Judge with features on 60 minutes, Time Magazine, People Magazine, Wall Street Journal and other media. He is also a found member of MBB and currently Ambassadors Program Director of MBB.     ※ If you would like to attend this lecture, please e-mail your RSVP by no later than 1 May(Friday) to Mr. Park, Baekyoung(pbk@kdischool.ac.kr)  ※ For additional information, please feel free to contact CCRN staffs (Tel: 02-3299-1044 or 1088). Upcoming colloquium series will be updated at CCRN homepage (http://ccrn.kdischool.ac.kr).