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Postponement of 2014 Sports Day

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-12-05 00:00
  • Hit188
  Dear KDI School members,


As you are no doubt well aware of, the whole nation is in mourning for the tragic loss of lives in the Sewol ferry accident. The KDI School would like to express its deepest sympathies to the bereaved families and friends of the deceased and the missing passengers. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.


After much deliberation, as a sign of respect and commiseration to those affected by the tragedy, the KDI School has decided to postpone the KDI School Sports Day until the wounds have had time to heal and the nation is ready to move on.


We understand that this may come across as a great disappointment to the members of the KDI School who had been eagerly looking forward to participating in what is one of the biggest school events. However, we would like to ask for your kind understanding for the school’s decision to avoid large-scale public events at a time when others are going through unimaginable adversities and hardships.


Thank you for your understanding and you can be assured that the KDI School will do its best to ensure that the Sports Day will be a well-prepared and memorable day for all participants.


Yours sincerely,   KDI School of Public Policy and Management