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[International Development Forum]KSP Proposal Session

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-12-06 00:00
  • Hit238

[International Development Forum] KSP Proposal Session


As we noticed previously, the KDI School International Development Forum (IDF) is set to have a KSP Proposal session on July 18 at KDI. We would like to give you more detailed information.


The session will be held at KDI (Sejong city) with collaboration of Center for International Development (CID) at KDI. The purpose of the session is to propose your idea of KSP (Knowledge Sharing Program) for your own country. KSP is designed to share practical and useful Korean development experiences for current policy issues of partner countries. So, not only KDIS students but also the CID researchers will be joining the session to listen to your presentation because your proposals are candidates for next years KSP.


[Interim Session of IDF]

Date & Time: 09:00-18:00, Friday, July 18

Venue: Grand Hall, KDI, Sejong City





Gather at the Main gate of the KDIS

09:00 -11:30

Move to the KDI (limo bus)

11:30 -13:00

Session 1 (90 min)

13:00 -14:00

Lunch (KDI cafeteria)

14:00 -15:30

Session 2 (90 min)

15:30 -18:00

Move to the school (limo bus)


Q: Who will be presenting a paper? (Presenter Section Process)

A: Anyone who is interested. There will be no screening process. Please send me a 1page paper about your presentation by June 27 to hjkim@kdischool.ac.kr. Notice will be sent soon. Co-presenters are also welcomed.


Q: What is the benefit of presentation?

KDI will also confer the best presentation award. Though the award does not guarantee the next year’s KSP slot, it will be a proud addition to your C.V. If your proposal is selected for next year’s KSP, you will be acknowledged during the KSP. (What an honor!) You may even have a chance to participate in the program. We hope to see at least 2 presentations from each regional Forum. For more information about the KSP, http://www.ksp.go.kr/


Q: What is the guideline for presenting a paper?

* No formal paper necessary, and Power point slides (around 6 pages) will do.

Each presenter will make 5 min presentation followed by 5 min Q&A.


1.       Current situation of your country and need for KSP (relevant to the proposal) (2~3 slides)

2.       KSP Proposal (2~3 slides)

- Write research questions that should be answered by the KSP

- Tentative table of contents of the final report of KSP

- Any consultation or training activity that should be included in KSP

- Administration: duration (1 or 2 years), partner ministry in your country

3.       Expected Impact of the KSP (1 slide)


Q: How do I attend the session? (Registering for attendance)

Any KDIS student is welcomed to the session without any burden of presentation. The audience will vote for the best proposal. It will be fun, and there will be a small souvenir too. Please register for participation at the school’s website by July 3.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Thank you.