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Application for G20 Summit Student Analyst

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-12-02 00:00
  • Hit197

Application for G20 Summit Student Analyst


Enrolled Masters students at the KDI School who are fluent in English

Students capable of writing analysis reports (Global Summitry Reports)

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Participate in 2014 Australia G20 Summit (2014.11.15~16.) and write analysis reports

Final reports will be published on the website of Global Summitry Journal (http://globalsummitry.org/)

Research Streams (choose one between two streams)

The General Global Summitry Stream

  - Topic selection and the publication plan may be discussed with the Munk School, University of Toronto

      * The topic should be selected by the students with guidance from their advising professors at the KDI School

  - Length: 1500-1800 words

  - Two separate reports should be submitted during the year

China Rules of Law Project (preliminary)

  - Translation and analysis of China’s LRADs (Laws, regulations and administrative directives) on four areas including climate change, pollution abatement, energy, and green energy

  - Role: Research Chinese and international laws and treaties on the above areas


Payment for analysis reports: $1,000

  - The expenses for participating in the Summit (flight fares, accommodations, other costs) is not covered and is the responsibility of the participants


2.3 (Mon.) ~ 2.14 (Fri.): Application period

Mid-February: Interview

End-February: Selection and orientation

March ~ October: Preparation and guidance for analysis reports

11.15 (Sat.) ~ 16 (Sun.): Australia G20 Summit

Number of selections: 3 students

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Global Summitry Journal web-site: http://globalsummitry.org/

Required documents

Resume (in English)

Statement of Purpose (in English)


Academic Affairs Division: Ms. Hui-yeong, YU (hy_yu@kdischool.ac.kr / 02-3299-1259)