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Special Lecture by Dr. Choi (Dec. 21)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2010-11-02 00:00
  • Hit293
Special Lecture KDI School of Public Policy and Management     Dear all,  

Dr. Choi, Daewon, a professor at  Hankuk University of Foreign Studies will be presenting a special lecture on Wednesday, Dec. 21. 

  ▣ Date & Time: Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1:00 ? 2:30 p.m. ▣ Venue: Rm. 9601 ▣ Lecturer: Dr. Choi, Daewon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ▣ Title: Global Economic Shift, International Organizations, and               International Cooperation: Implications for Governance and             Development  

If you would like to participate in the lecture, please RSVP via email.

For more information, please refer to Dr. Choi’s c.v. and you can also contact Danah Lee at dh_lee@kdischool.ac.kr