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2015 Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences (Mar 26.Thurs)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2014-12-03 00:00
  • Hit252

Dear. Students,


There will be “2015 Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences: Comparative Experiences of Korea and LAC” in BUSAN, BEXCO on March 26thIf you want to participate in this Forum, you may follow below instruction.

Please check your class timetable before signing up, because this event will NOT be counted as excused absence!!


■ Event Brief Information

- Date: Mar. 26th (Thurs.), 10:00-18:00


- Venue: BEXCO, Busan, South Korea


Event Schedule: Please, refer to the attached file


How to Register (You have to BOTH send the form and register in MIS)

- Application Date: ~ Mar 12th (Thurs.)

 * Maximum number of student will be 35. First come, first served.


1) Fill in the Form


     please fill in the form and send it back to the official agency(ksf2015@kdi.re.kr) with your photo.


2) MIS Register 

Visit www.kdischool.ac.kr

Log in using your ID and password

Click the “MIS” on the right hand side of KDI School Service menu.

In the menu bar on the left, click “Apply for Events” under the “Training/Event”

Click the “Query” button.

Click the “2015 Knowledge Sharing Forum 3.26(Thurs.)”

Click “Save” 

*Since all food will be prepared based on the registered students; therefore, please register only who will definitely participate. Otherwise, please CANCEL the event before the application deadline.


Further Information

The breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack will be provided.

- Breakfast: by KDI

- Lunch: by the host

- Dinner: Coupon will be given that can be used in BEXCO cafeteria

- Shuttle bus will be provided. 


■  Shuttle Schedule


Departure Time

KDI -> BEXCO, Busan

7:00 a.m

BEXCO, Busan -> KDI

20:00 p.m


* The departure time is subject to change



1. Korea-LAC Forum Information     

2. Application Form


** Please read the attached file that includes much detailed & important information for the event.


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Deanna Hur (ik_hur@kdischool.ac.kr).

Thank you.




Academic Affairs Division




  • pdf 첨부파일 KDIS_KSF Registration Form.pdf (0Byte / Download 177회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Korea-LAC KSF-newsletter-pdf.pdf (0Byte / Download 179회) Download