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(GLiMPSE 모집기간연장)Application for GLiMPSE program for Fall 2015 (한EU 프로그램 학생모집)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2014-12-03 00:00
  • Hit272

Application for GLiMPSE program for Fall 2015


2015년 가을학기에 벨기에 KU Leuven 으로 파견될 교환학생 모집기간이 아래와 같이 연장되었으니, 많은 관심 바랍니다.


. 학생모집 프로그램: GLiMPSE - EU 프로그램

. 학생모집마감: 3 13() 09:00AM

. 성적표 제출 마감: 3월 중순 추가 제출 가능 (4월 초 내 제출 못할 시 합격 취소)

   - KU Leuven: 영어점수(TOEFL 100, IELTS 7.0)



*Application for GLiMPSE is only for Korean Students.

* Participants will be provided with financial support for living expenses from partner schools.


Partner Schools

1) ESSEC, France

2) KU Leuven, Belgium


Student Mobility Scheme

A student participating in the program will study at four (or three) of the schools, undertaking degree courses at the KDI School and a European school of choice, and short, non-degree courses at the SNU-GSIS and the other European School.

Long-term degree

Short-term non-degree


Long-term degree

Short-term non-degree

Track 1

KDI School



KU Leuven

Track 2

KDI School


KU Leuven


Eligibility Requirements for application

1) At least 24 credits completed including core courses (by the time of application)

2) CGPA of at least 3.5 or above (by the time of application)

3) Completion of three terms (five terms for the part-time students) at KDI School (by the time of departure)

     4) English and GMAT Score


Track 1 (ESSEC)

Track 2 (KU Leuven)


iBT 100 or IELTS 7.0 or TOEIC 850

iBT 100 or IELTS 7.0






Submission PeriodMar, 13, Friday 2015 by 9:00AM

* Please submit the complete documents to the Student Affairs Division.


Application Materials

1) Application Form (attached)

2) Resume (attached)

3) Statement of Purpose (attached)

4) Transcript of Academic Records (KDI School)

5) 1 Photo (3 cm X 4 cm)

6) TOEFL Score

7) GMAT Score (only for Track 1)



1) Credits earned from the partner university can be transferred if the program chair recognizes the equivalency of the courses. (Maximum 18 Credits)

2) No extra tuition will be charged for partner schools.

3) Participants will be provided with financial support for living expenses from partner schools and airfare from KDI School.



1) Students who satisfy the KDI School’s internal requirements will be eligible to apply to the partner school. Once students receive admission from the partner school, they will be considered as GLiMPSE students for the upcoming semester.

2) If you change your decision after the final selection, you will be limited in your opportunities for future international program.


Notification to the accepted candidates

Several weeks after an application submission


All information, study period and number of selection by KDI School and partner institution are subject to change. For more details, please contact Christine S. Leigh at 044-550-1021 or saheun0313@kdischool.ac.kr

LINK: https://sites.google.com/site/glimpsedoubledegreeprogram/home