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[KDIS] KDIS Writing Center Open! Check your paper before the final submission!

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-12-09 00:00
  • Hit203

Dear Students,


For your best quality of paper, KDIS offers “English Editing Service”!! Writing center wants to support KDI School students’ written work more presentable and of higher quality.

If you are interested, please read carefully the following procedure:




<Service Information>

Service Period: Sep 22nd ~ Dec 6th (During Fall Semester)

Service Time: 30-minute face-to-face Editing Service

Limited Number of service: Maximum 4 times reservations/per person are available

                                                every semester!







<How to get a Service>


Send an email to writingcenter@kdis.ac.kr 2 days in advance!

→ Title of your email: Your full name, preferred date and time

→  Content of your email: consultation reasons and your attached file of your paper.

→  Cancellation: 1 day in advance.


Wait for a confirmation email!

→  Confirmation email will be sent as follow: [RESERVED] your name, date, time


Meet your editor at the Writing center!

→  After your confirmation email, meet your editor at #9212.

→  Please fill out the ‘Evaluation form’ after the service.



Frequently Asked Questions

●?What kind of service does Writing center provide?  

→ Writing center helps students make their written work more presentable and of higher quality, with particular regard to grammar, syntax, spelling, mechanics, word choice, punctuation and correct formatting.

How many times can I apply for the service?

       Editing service is limited ONLY for 4 times per student per semester for a fair shake.

How much time do I have for one consultation meeting?

       In principle, the consultation time is 30 minutes.

Can I also choose in advance the editor that I want to be consulted?

 → Yes, you can by mentioning the name of the editor. But, in principle we prefer to assign you an editor randomly for a fair shake.

After having received a confirmation email from Writing center, do I need to contact the assigned editor again?

       To make sure your appointment you can do so. In case there is some miscommunication, we are also providing your editor’s phone number in the confirmation email.

I sent a reservation request email to Writing center, but I didn’t get any reply yet.

Please check whether you sent correctly or not to writingcenter@kdis.ac.kr first. If you did so and didn’t get yet a confirmation email entitle [RESERVED] Name, Date, Time, then you might have to wait until the next day morning.


Hope all students got benefit from this salutary service. Make a reservation now!

Thank you.



 Academic Affairs Division