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The 5th Asia Future Forum (Oct 22th ~ Oct 23th)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2013-11-02 00:00
  • Hit246

Dear, KDI Students,


Please be informed that you are warmly invited to the ‘The 5th ASIA Future Forum''.

The 5th ASIA Future Forum hosted by Hankyoreh Media Group and organized by Hankyoreh Economic Research Institute(HERI), is a venue to foster cooperation among Asians under the theme of seeking balance between prosperity and sustainability in the world.


''People-centered Economy: Cooperation of Business & Society''is the theme for this year''s forum. The keynote speech will be presented by Tarja HALONEN who brought prosperity to the small but strong nation Finland as the Former President by exhibiting leadership of coexistence. She is also the Chair of CWWL (Council of Women World Leaders).


Since its first forum in 2010 under the theme of ''Evolution of East Asian Enterprise'', ASIA Future Forum is preparing for the future of Asia by discussing timely topics every year. Hankyoreh Media Group will succeed such fruitful outcomes in this year''s forum and present solution to surmount the changes and risks.


We are pleased to invite you to the forum to discuss cooperation and innovation in order to establish people-centered society.


You have to register to the forum by yourself, so please check the overview information below to register.

And please check the attached file to know more about the forum.



Title: The 5th ASIA Future Forum

Main Theme: People-centered Economy : Cooperation between Business & Society

Date: October 22-23, 2014

Venue: Millennium Seoul Hilton

Hosted/ Organized by: Hankyoreh Media Group, Hankyoreh Economic Research Institute

Language: Korean, English (Korean-English interpretation service will be provided)

Registration: Please submit the online registration form by October 15th(Wed) through below the link.

Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SuOKyc_OUpqd1qZCW_NO4QnI8ckPVY0pROw3QS-blEU/viewform


For more information, please refer to the website: http://www.asiafutureforum.org/2014/eng/forum/overview.php


If you encounter any problem, please contact ''Ms. Eun Young Yang''


[Contact Information]

Ms. EunYoung Yang
Research Associate
Hankyoreh Economic Research Institute
tel: +82-2-710-0082
cell: +82-10-7380-9289

email: heri@hani.co.kr

  • pdf 첨부파일 The 5th Asia Future Forum.pdf (412.57KB / Download 187회) Download