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CA/AA/TA Application Notice_Sep 2(Wed)~Sep 8(Tue)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameHyun Min Sung
  • Date2015-12-29 00:00
  • Hit221

Dear Students,

KDI School is offering a chance to work as Class Assistant (CA), Administrative Assistant (AA), Teaching Assistant (TA) who will be given work-study scholarship. Interested students can submit an application form as described below. (More information about application procedure is in the attached file.)


The decision will be made based on professors’ preference, candidates’ admission scholarship, experience, and willingness to serve. In addition for CA, please apply for the class that you will take, since in-class students are preferred for CA. Details are as follows.


* Application Period: Sep 2 (Wed) 17:00 ~ Sep 8 (Tue) 22:00, 2015


1. Application Procedure

  1) Visit “www.kdischool.ac.kr”

  2) Click "log in" on the right side, and put your ID and Password

  3) Find the KDI School Service menu on the middle (the green bar), and click “MIS”.

  4) Go to Service → Academic → Scholarship → Apply for Assistant Scholarship

  5) Please check the attached file for further procedure of application.


2. Job Description

♦CA: Assist professors in preparing for classes, upload lecture notes, and provide research assistance as needed

      (master/Ph.D level courses only)

♦AA: Support administrative offices of the School

※ In case of emergency, you can withdraw from your CA/AA obligation under the consent of your supervisor. You are required to report the decision to the Academic Affairs Division.


3. Working Hours

♦CA/AA: maximum 10 hours per week


  -TA Session: maximum 2 hours per week

  -Office hour: maximum 5 hours per week


4. Scholarship

♦CA: 5,600 won per hour

♦AA: 8,000 won per hour 

♦TA(for core courses)

-TA Session: 30,000/hour(two hours per week)

-Office hour: 10,000/hour(five hours per week)

※ Although Ph.D. students are assigned first considering their TA requirements for scholarship, 2nd year master students can be assigned as TA as well.


5. Payment: Your scholarship will be wired into your bank account twice a semester (after 6th and 12th week), once your working hours for the period are verified.


6. Job Assignment: Applicants will be assigned on the basis of professors’ preference and needs of each administrative office. Please note that the number of openings is limited.


※ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Jun Suk, PARK (044-550-1258 / js_park@kdischool.ac.kr).