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[RA Opportunity] KDI School- World Bank SOD(Science of Delivery) Project

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameLee Myung Eun
  • Date2016-03-16 00:00
  • Hit321
[RA Opportunity] KDI School- World Bank SOD(Science of Delivery) Project

Development work is not necessarily always hampered by a lack of knowledge and resources, but rather by a misallocation of these available resources and a deviation from focus on goals. In other words, it is not the absence of feasible plans of action that counts, but rather their effective implementation. Understanding this logic, World Bank adopted a paradigm shift from the “what” to the “how” of delivery thus entails keeping the desired outcomes in check at all times while ensuring optimal use of available means.
World Bank’s key word is “Science of Delivery”, namely the science of how to successfully implement projects that generate development. The concept of SOD is to record and document the experience of not only the World Bank itself, but the whole range of experience of partner governments and NGOs, other donors and foundations. As this experience is gained on the ground, the World Bank thus plans to create a network of local “knowledge hubs” – alliances of local academics from different disciplines, practitioners and political representatives. This will eventually lead to developing a systematized global library of development knowledge that can be applied to development hurdles around the world.
In collaboration with the World Bank to support the Science of Delivery(SOD) project and to enhance Korea's role in Global Delivery Initiative*, KDI School plans to produce 10 case studies based on Korean experience which illustrate how Korea has addressed a number of development challenges through innovative solutions; highlighting the challenges faced and the solutions applied to share implementation experience in Korea with the rest of the world.  
10 case topics have been carefully selected matching the KDI School’s KSP Modularization Report of Korea’s Development Experience which will represent relevant development issues for Korea that can serve as a source of knowledge and lessons learned for the rest of the GDI members.
Developed Korean cases will be openly shared via the World Bank’s Global Delivery Library and contribute to the co-creation of an evidence base of delivery know-how.

The Global Delivery Initiative(GDI) is a collaboration across the international development community to forge a new frontier in development efforts worldwide, improving the outcome by leveraging the delivery know-how. A partnership of international development institutions, practitioners, implementing agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and the private sector has created the Global Delivery Initiative.
 * GDI Partners: World Bank Group, Inter-American Development Bank, German development agency GIZ, Harvard University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Tulane University, KFW Development Bank, Overseas Development Institute, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, The MasterCard Foundation, KDI and more
If you are interested in the concept of Science of Delivery, KDI School Development Research Team is looking for participants to join in [KDI School-World Bank SOD Research project] and related activities. This research assistantship is a superb opportunity to join in the World Bank Project.  Selected participants will join in selected case studies to assist in carrying out the World Bank’s research agenda.
- Due to the limited number of available spots, there will be a competitive selection procedures.

Applicants must select one of matched modularization report topics and submit 1-page of summary briefly explaining how the matched topic relates to the concept of “Science of Delivery”. Please refer to the Science of Delivery Case Study Guideline for your reference.
No. SOD Case Study Topics  /  Matched Modularization Report Topics
1 Forestation and Monitoring of Seedling Plantations
Saemaul Undong and Forest Rehabilitation in Korea: Saemaul Income Boosting Project and the Role of the Boosting Project and the Role of the Village Forestry Cooperative
2 Control of Slash-and-Burning Farming
3 SME Training Consortium in Korea
In-Service Training Policy in Korea
4 Mandated Hiring of the Handicapped and Their Skills Training
Vocational training of persons with disabilities in Korea
5 Sustained National Deworming
Sustained National Deworming Campaign in South Korea 1969-1995
6 Provision of Public Toilets and Civic Campaigns to Transform the Social Norms in Their Use
Korean public toilet improvement experience and implications
7 Rural Electrification and Community Funding
Rural Electrification Project for Expansion of Power Supply
8 Community Conditional Cash Transfers and Inter-village Competition in Rural Development
The Successful Cases of the Korea’s Saemaul Undong (New Community Movement)
9 Customer-oriented Innovations in Border Control
Innovation of Immigration Inspection Policy in Korea
10 Civil Registration for Efficiency and Equity in Public Service Delivery
The Evolution of the Resident Registration System in Korea
○ Application Materials: 
   - Application Form
   - Resume (PDF)

○ How to Apply: Please send the completed application form to Ms. Myungeun Lee at kdiswb.sodproject@gmail.com by March 27th, 2016
Requirement: Full participation at the SOD Training Workshop (Training for Korean Case Study Writers) is mandatory for all participants.
   - Date & Venue: April.5(Tue) - April.6(Wed), The Westin Chosun Seoul
   - Host Organization: World Bank, KDI School

* Free Shuttle bus(Sejong Campus-the Westin Chosun Hotel, round-trip) will be provided for 2 days
* If you are a student applicant, please check your course schedule before applying for the project since your absence from any of the classes will NOT be execused.


*Contact information
Ms. Myungeun Lee

Development Research Team
  • docx 첨부파일 1. Application Form_SOD.docx (21.97KB / Download 182회) Download
  • docx 첨부파일 2. SOD Case Study Guideline.docx (120.26KB / Download 181회) Download
  • zip 첨부파일 3. Modularization Reports.zip (39.97MB / Download 182회) Download