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[RSVP needed] (June 24) Impact Evaluation in Practice: KDI School Workshop on Evaluating Field Research

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameJung, Young Joo
  • Date2016-06-21 00:00
  • Hit358
Results from impact evaluations powerfully contribute to our knowledge of ‘what works’ to produce key development outcomes. Such information is critical not only for the policymakers directly in charge of the program evaluated, but also for others who consider adapting its approach for use in their own circumstances. Particularly when used strategically to test the effectiveness of specific approaches in addressing key development challenges, impact evaluations constitute the preferred approach to assessing results.
Established in 2011 as the first research lab in Korea committed to rigorous evaluation of the impact of development programs, Impact Evaluation Lab (IE Lab) at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management has been dedicated to carry out impact evaluation studies in developing countries, and to raise awareness for the use of IE methodology. As its own effort for providing a unique learning opportunity for KDI School students and for dissemination of best practices in IE research, IE Lab newly launches a series of workshop on evaluation development program, beginning June 2016, titled “Impact Evaluation in Practice: KDI School Workshop on Evaluating Field Research ”.

Event information
  1. DATE/TIME : June 24, 2016 / 14:00 – 18:00
  2. VENUE : Video Conference Room (6th Floor) / KDI

How to register
: Please register via the link below.
  • pdf 첨부파일 IE Workshop Agenda(June 24)_revised(0621)_FINAL.pdf (134.15KB / Download 229회) Download