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[Writing Center] Using Sources Effectively and Avoiding Plagiarism: APA & CMS Citation Styles (10.12)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameSon, Sora
  • Date2018-10-08 00:00
  • Hit309

Using Sources Effectively and Avoiding Plagiarism: APA & CMS Citation Styles

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) with Patricia Pasion

American Phycology Association Style (APA) with Rovil Espirit


Do you find that citing sources for your papers can be a challenge? Join us for a workshop tailored to a range of needs related to writing in CMS and APA style, including:

  • Work cited
  • Reference lists
  • In-text citations
  • Using sources & avoiding plagiarism
  • Formatting of text

**KDI Writing center workshops are free and open to all KDI students, but reservations are strongly recommended.


ㅇ Workshop Information:

  • Date/Time: Friday, Oct 12, 12:00pm-1:00pm
  • Location: S205
  • Presented by: Rovil Espiritu & Patrica Pasion
  • How to register: Go to MIS-Apply for Events-Writing Center Workshop 

       * Refreshment will be provided.



Do you have an example of source that you are having trouble citing?

Please bring it along with you, and we will work through it together.