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[Healthcare Room] Flu (Influenza) Prevention

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameTaesub Kim
  • Date2018-10-10 00:00
  • Hit285

Hello everyone!

As we are having a flu season, I am sharing some important information regarding flu (influenza) and how to prevent it. Please refer to the attached file to see the differences between ‘flu’ and ‘cold’; You CAN still get a cold even after getting a flu shot.


Here are some tips to avoid getting the flu:


1.  Wash your hands frequently.

- Wash your hands using a soap and warm water to kill germs on your hands. In the absence of a sink, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.


2. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

- The virus can get into your body through a mucosal membrane in your eyes, nose and mouth.


3. Clean communal surfaces.

- Wipe down commonly-touched surfaces such as your phone, desk, keyboard, mouse, etc. using any standard household cleaner.


4. Get your flu shot.

- When you get a flu vaccination, your body releases antibodies that can protect you from the most common virus strains in any given season. According to CDC, people at high risk are strongly recommended to get a flu shot: pregnant women, children younger than 5 and adult over 65 years of age and older. You can contact your local Public Health Center to see if you are qualified for a free flu vaccination.


5. Eat healthy and nutritious foods.

- Foods high in Vitamin C such as fruits and vegetables boost your immune system.


6. Use a mask.

- If you start coughing, please put a mask on not to spread the virus to others.


If you have any questions, please stop by my office any time!

Thank you.

  • pdf 첨부파일 Do you have a cold or the flu.pdf (1.54MB / Download 240회) Download