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[NOTICE] KDIS Writing Center Opens for Spring Semester

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameSon, Sora
  • Date2019-02-13 00:00
  • Hit761

KDI School offers “English Editing Service”.

KDI School Writing Center wants to support student’s written work ranging from resumes to term papers, SRPs and thesis to make them more presentable and of higher quality.

If you need assistance, please read carefully the following procedure and find an attached file for details:


<Service Information>

 ■ Service Period: Spring Semester (~May 4)

 ■ Service Time: 30-minute face-to-face editing service

 ■ Place: 4th floor of the KDIS building (S405)

  * You can use the editing service three times per semester (3 times / semester).


<How to utilize the service>

 ■ Visit http://www.supersaas.com/schedule/kdiswritingcenter/KDIS_Writing_Center

  → Create your ID and PASSWORD.

  → For detailed instructions, please follow the Writing Center Scheduling Guidelines.

  → You’re not allowed to schedule and cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before the scheduled session.

 ■ Send an email to your editor at least a day before the appointment.

  → Title of your email: your full name, appointment date

  → Content of your email: consultation reasons and attached file of your paper

  → This is to allow the editor enough time to review your paper in advance.

 ■ Meet your editor at the Writing Center.

  → Meet your editor on the 4th floor of the KDIS Building (S405).

  → Please fill out the ‘Evaluation Form’ after the editing service.

  → Failure to show-up without notice will result in a penalty for using future services.


<Frequently Asked Questions>

Q. What kind of service does the Writing Center provide?

A. Writing Center helps students make their written work more presentable and of higher quality, with particular regard to grammar, spelling, usage, punctuation and correct formatting.


Q. How much time do I have for one consultation meeting?

A. In general, the consultation time is 30 minutes.


Q. Can I also choose in advance the editor that I want to consult with?

A. Yes, you can by clicking the editor's name of your preference on our scheduling website.


We hope all students will enjoy our service. Make a reservation now!

If you have any questions about the Writing Center, please contact writingcenter@kdis.ac.kr.

  • pdf 첨부파일 2019 Writing Center Information+Editor Profiles.pdf (1.22MB / Download 266회) Download