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[Networking] 2019 Spring Home Visiting Program Open!

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NamePark, Jinjoo
  • Date2019-04-08 00:00
  • Hit452

Dear KDI School members,


KDI School would like to open a 2019 Spring Home Visiting Program. It is one of the iconic networking programs of the school. Particularly, the aim is to provide an opportunity not only for international students but also for Korean students, faculty, and staff the chance to learn in depth about a diverse range of cultures.


To apply, please familiarize yourself with the following information:


1. Participants

  • Hosts : Korean Students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff of the KDI School & KDI       

Further announcements will be made pertaining to the host families.

  • Guests: KDI School International Students

We recommend Guests to visit one Host, and not more than two Hosts.

The maximum number of Guests each Host Family can accommodate is 4.


2. Recommended Activities

  • Provide overnight program at home
  • Outdoor activities with family members
  • A one day sightseeing
  • Travel around your hometown, etc.


3. Period: May 6th ~ May 11th (Spring Break)

  • Visiting period may be subject to change according to each host’s and guest’s schedule.
  • Host families may choose an alternative date and time that is most convenient for them.
  • Home visits for summer and winter break will be arranged and announced later.


4. Application

  • Sign up through the KDI School MIS by April 19th (*first come first served basis)
  • How to apply
  • Visit “www.kdischool.ac.kr
  • Log in with your ID/PW
  • Click “MIS” on the left side, found below “KDI School Service”
  • Click “Apply for Event” on the left side
  • Click “Query” on the right side
  • Click the name of an event that you wish to register for
  • (Check the name of the event: “[Networking] Home Visiting Program (Spring)”
  • Check the website for detailed information
  • Check the menu for what foods you prefer (Only applicable to guests)
  • Leave “Other Comments” with how many guests you will be able to invite and for how many days. (Only for host)
  • Click 'Save' in the upper right
  • You can check or cancel your application via the 'Event application Result' Section


5. Matching Result

  • The results of matching application will be announced on April 26th by email.


6. Notice

  • If there aren’t enough participants then you may not have a host (or guests) even though you applied for the program.
  • All participants are recommended to acquaint themselves with relevant information regarding mutual countries in advance.
  • For guests, please read the following Etiquette & Customs in South Korea before you visit the host: https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/south-korean-culture
  • For hosts, please note that you have to submit a Home Visiting Program Activity Report (with photo) after the program.

           ※자세한 내용은 첨부된 [초청자용] 한국어 공지문 참고 

  • All participants should respect the school’s code of conduct as a member of the school during the entire program.dd
  • Under your agreement, photos may be shared in the school news center: https://news.kdischool.ac.kr/



Thank you.


Student Affairs Division

KDI School of Public Policy and Management

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