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IT service maintenance notice (July 17, Friday, 22:30 to 24:30)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameYoon, Haein
  • Date2020-07-15 00:00
  • Hit543

Dear all, 


Please note that IT service access in school will be temporarily unavailable in connection  

with the IT service check operation, as below. 



- contents -

1. Date: July 17 (Friday) 22:30 to 24:30 

(two times of disconnection, a total of 10, 5 minutes each) 

Recovery time may vary depending on the situation.

2. Contact: Ms. Kim Hyun-A at Data Unit 2 (hakim@kdischool.ac.kr / 82-44-550-1059)



Thank you for your understanding.