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Important Information regarding Your COVID-19 Vaccination

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • NameTaesub Kim
  • Date2021-08-19 00:00
  • Hit783

Dear KDIS Students,


Hello! This is school nurse Taesub. I am grateful and excited that you are finally getting your COVID-19 vaccine soon! I'd like to share some important information about post-vaccination.


COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects at all.


Everyone reacts to vaccines differently, and some people experience more severe side effects than others. The severity of side effects does not correlate with the body’s level of immunity.


Here are some of the common side effects you may develop after getting your COVID-19 vaccine:



If you have a slight fever or body aches, take 1 – 2 tablets of acetaminophen commonly known as Tylenol or Paracetamol. You may take it every 4-5 hours until those symptoms are relieved. The medicine will be available at the Housemaster's Office and School Info Desk. You may also visit my office during working hours.


Please note it is not recommended you take these medicines before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent side effects.



Another important note regarding vaccine side effects! If you experience intolerable headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, vision change, etc., please go to the emergency room immediately. They might be a serious side effect that requires immediate medical attention.


Based on my experiences, most people who received the vaccine regardless of their types, it was quite common that they develop a slight fever, body aches and pain in the injection site for 2 – 3 days. However, those symptoms quickly went away after getting a good rest and taking acetaminophen tablets for few times if necessary.


So don't worry too much about the vaccine side effects. The benefit from the getting the vaccine is much greater than having those minor discomforts.


Make sure you are in good health condition prior and after the vaccination by getting a good quality sleep, avoiding aggressive physical activities/smoking/drinking alcohol, having nutritious foods and getting some sunlight to improve your immunity. Above all, my advice is that keep peace in your mind and believe that this vaccine will help you and protect you.


I just got my 1st vaccination this Monday as well and am doing well. I hope that everyone gets through without any issue and stays healthy!


Thank you.

  • png 첨부파일 Vaccination Guide for Foreign Nationals in Korea.png (741.78KB / Download 520회) Download