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[KDIS] First special event to cope with COVID-19: Share with us your ultimate stress busters!

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameLEE, Hayoung
  • Date2020-03-25 00:00
  • Hit502


Dear KDI School Students,


Inspire your neighbors by sharing ways to enjoy life, relieve your stress and stay safe!

We want to introduce a special event organized by the KDI School to cheer up all school members in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.


 [Participation Period]

  March 23 (Mon) ~ April 5 (Sun)


 [How to Participate in the Event] 

  Step 1 Take pictures of yourself enjoying life, relieving your stress, and staying safe in the dormitory, at home or outside.

  Step 2 Upload the pictures to your Facebook or Instagram page with a brief explanation and use the hashtags listed below so we can all connect with one another, and pull through this experience together

  #kdischool #kdis #homebody #dormitory #LetsGetThisOverWith #stayhealthy #staystrong #cheer #nocoronavirus #COVID19


    ※ We want you to upload posts to your Instagram or Facebook page, but if you would prefer not to, you may participate by sending an email to studentaffairs@kdischool.ac.kr with the pictures and the explanation.


 [Guidelines for Participation]  

  - Make sure your Instagram or Facebook account is open to the public.

  - Although you will not need to use all the hashtags listed above, you must tag the post with #kdischool and #kdis at least so that the school can see your post.

  - With your consent, distinguished postings will be shared on the official school Facebook or Instagram page.


 [Participation Gift]

 As part of our continuous support for all KDI School members to be joyful, the gifts will be given to all participants. These gifts include different kinds 

 of home workout equipment and other fun items that may keep you healthy and entertained in the dormitory or at home. Detailed information regarding 

 the gift will be sent to the individual participants after the event.





Share with us your ultimate stress busters! Your active participation will be highly appreciated. Please feel free to contact us (studentaffairs@kdischool.ac.kr or 044-550-1021) if you have any questions.


Best regards,




KDI School of Public Policy and Management