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Current distancing rules to be extended for 2 more weeks (~Jan 16)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NamePark, Jinjoo
  • Date2021-12-31 00:00
  • Hit976

Dear Members of KDI School,


South Korea will extend its heightened social distancing rules for two more weeks, amid efforts to reduce the number of serious COVID-19 cases and the omicron variant. These restrictions were originally supposed to end on Sunday, but given the latest decision, they will continue to be enforced through January 16, 2022. 

1. Date and Period: Until Sunday, January 16, 2022

2. Private Gatherings Restriction: Up to four(4) people *nationwide*
※ Non-vaccinated people can use restaurants and cafes only alone. 
※ 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. curfews are imposed on the business hours of multi-use facilities.

3. Vaccine Pass
The government has also stated that the use of vaccination passes will be expanded to restaurants, cafes, department stores, and major supermarkets. In this regard, you must present a vaccination certificate or application, such as Coov, Naver, or Kakao, to enter.