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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of August 14 from KCDC (+103)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-08-14 00:00
  • Hit728
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of August 14 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of August 14, 2020


□ As of 0:00, August 14 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 14,873 (including 2,618 imported cases), of which 13,863 cases have been discharged from isolation. There are 85 new local cases, 18 new imported cases, and 0 new death.



○ Overall case and test status, as of 0:00, August 14 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)



○ Regional distribution of cases, as of 0:00, August 14 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)



○ Confirmed cases by gender and age group



○ Deaths by gender and age group



□ The current state* of major local clusters as of today (as of 12:00, 14 August) are as follows:

* The specific figures below may differ from the daily reported statistics (which are based on figures as of 0:00 today) or figures disclosed by local municipalities due to factors such as report timing and differences in the time period considered


○ Related to the Seoul regional Lotteria managerial staff meeting, 4 additional cases (4 visitors who were at the meeting place, Neungdong Chicken Baeng-i Hof) were confirmed. In total, 15* cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to the Gold Train (a gold investment firm) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul City, epidemiological investigation after the first confirmed case on 11 August revealed links to the family (3 cases) in Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi Province and the family (5 cases) in Gwangjin-gu. The cases have been reclassified as same cluster. In total, 18 cases have been confirmed including 2 new cases confirmed today.


○ Related to the Dongdaemun Tongil Store in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul City, 2 additional cases (2 family members) were confirmed after the first 2 confirmed cases (husband and wife) were found on 12 August. In total, 4 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to an office (Shinil Utoville Officetel)* in Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul City, 1 previously confirmed case has been re-categorized as belonging to this cluster. In total, 10** cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to the Sarang Jaeil Church in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul City, contact tracing revealed 14 additional cases (12 church members, 2 acquaintances). In total, 19 cases have been confirmed.


- Epidemiological investigation found that confirmed cases visited the church (for service) while they were contagious. Due to the likelihood of additional cases, testing was requested for all church members and visitors who visited the church from 7 August to 13 August.


○ Related to the Woori Jaeil Church in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi Province, contact tracing found 60 additional cases (58 church member, 2 acquaintances). In total, 72 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to the Rejoice 153 Church in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, 1 additional case was confirmed while in quarantine. In total, 24 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to Daeji High School and Jukjeon High School in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi Province, 1 additional case (student at Jukjeon High School) was confirmed while in quarantine. In total, 9 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to a family in Paju-si, Gyeonggi Province, 3 additional cases (2 family members, 1 acquaintance) were confirmed after the first case found on 12 August.

- Epidemiological investigation revealed that the index case visited a coffee shop (Starbucks at Paju Yadang Station) on 8 August. Testing of visitors led to 4 additional confirmed cases. In total, 8 cases have been confirmed. Investigation of chain of transmission at the coffee shop and contact tracing is underway.


○ Related to the Busan National Mechanical Technical High School in Haeundae-gu, Busan City, contact tracing has revealed 4 additional confirmed cases (1 acquaintance, 2 family members, 1 acquaintance of family member). In total, 7 cases have been confirmed. Investigation of chain of transmission and contact tracing is underway.


○ Related to the Bukyung Health High School-affiliated Middle School (adult class) in Saha-gu, Busan City, 1 additional case was confirmed while in quarantine. In total, 11 cases (6 students, 5 family members) have been confirmed. Investigation of chain of transmission and contact tracing is underway.


□ In light of the continued occurrence of new cases and clusters related to religious event, KCDC analyzed last two weeks’ cases related to religious facilities and advised caution when participating in weekend religious events.


○ Recent church clusters:

- Songpa Love Church (22)

- Sun Church (5)

- Sarang Jeil Church (19)

- Rejoice 153 Church (24)

- Banseok Church (34)

- Junimui Saem Church (17)

- Woori Jeil Church (72)


○ Risk factors found include:

- Attending service after symptom onset

- Improper mask wearing

- Singing

- Choir small group gathering

- Meals

- Small group gathering

- Insufficient physical distancing during worship service

- Visiting church during transmissible period

- Venue lacking ventilation (located in basement, no windows)

- Meals after service

- Preschool classes with improper mask wearing

- Singing without proper mask wearing

- Improper mask wearing includes not wearing a mask and taking off mask while engaging in droplet-producing activities such as singing, dining, and conversing



□ KCDC analyzed recent clusters related to small group gatherings and meetings, and reminded the public of the precaution guidelines for a healthy and safe holiday season,


○ Recent small group gathering clusters:

- Songpa-gu friends gathering (9)

- Hongcheon camping grounds (10)

- Gangnam-gu coffee shop (16)

- Lotteria managers gathering (15)


○ Risk factors include:

- Infection prevention guidelines not followed while dining, camping, etc.

- Improper mask wearing while having a meeting in coffee shop

- Improper mask wearing while in restaurant

- Gathering for extended period of time in public venues including pubs and restaurants without proper mask wearing



○ The risk of infection is not limited to particular types of venues or places. Rather, it is the act of having physical contact with someone other than household members, regardless of location, that can result in transmission of infection.

- Therefore, KCDC asked the public to cancel social gatherings or meetings or have them in non-face-to-face manner.


□ As transmissions with uncertain epidemiological links* continue around the Seoul metropolitan area, KCDC views the current situation as very serious. The public is asked to stay vigilant and follow COVID-19 prevention guidelines during the upcoming weekend and holiday.

* Confirmed cases, last 2 weeks: 222 imported cases (39.1%), 188 local cases (33.1%), 78 under investigation (13.7%), etc. (based on 568 cases reported 1 August 0:00 – 14 August 0:00)


○ COVID-19 transmission can occur in all closed, crowded, and close contact settings.

- Refrain from visiting closed, crowded, and close-contact settings, such as clubs, entertainment venues, pubs, restaurants, cafes, and other publicly used facilities.

- Make sure to follow COVID-19 prevention guidelines, such as wearing a mask properly, keeping a 2m distance from others, and washing your hands, in everyday life, including family/friends gatherings and while visiting restaurants and cafes.

- Refrain from outdoor gatherings during the upcoming holiday weekend. Spend time at home with your family if possible. If you go out, visit uncrowded places to stay safe and healthy.



○ Age distribution of severe cases






○ New cases (for last 2 weeks) by chain of transmission




Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)



  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(August14)_Morning.pdf (87.03KB / Download 400회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(August14)_Afternoon.pdf (240.98KB / Download 387회) Download