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The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of September 7 from KCDC (+119)

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameKim, Yeonji
  • Date2020-09-08 00:00
  • Hit962
The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of September 7 from Korea Centers for Diesease Control & Prevention (KCDC)
As of September 7, 2020


□  As of 0:00, September 7 2020, the total number of confirmed cases is 21,296 (including 2,903 imported cases), of which 16,297 cases have been discharged from isolation. There are 108 new local cases, 11 new imported cases, and 2 new death.



○ Overall case and test status, as of 0:00, September 7 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)



○ Regional distribution of cases, as of 0:00, September 7 (cumulative since January 3, 2020)




□  Major local clusters as of 12:00 today (7 September):

* The specific figures below may differ from the daily reported statistics or figures disclosed by local municipalities due to factors such as report timing and differences in the time period considered


○ Related to Sarang Jeil Church in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul City, 1 additional case was confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 1,163 cases have been confirmed.

  - 1,079 cases total in capital area (Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi)

  - 84 cases total in other areas


○ Related to August 15 Seoul rallies, 5 additional cases were confirmed from investigation. In total, 532 cases have been confirmed.

  - Rally related (210), further transmissions (268), police (8), under investigation (46)

  - 262 cases total in capital area (Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi)

  - 270 cases total in other areas


○ Related to In The Light Church in Nowon-gu, Seoul City, 3 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 45 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to BF Mobile Telemarketing Call center in Gangdong-gu, Seoul City, 2 additional cases were confirmed. In total, 18 cases have been confirmed. Investigation is underway.


○ Related to an online hiking group in the greater capital area, first case was confirmed on 3 September and 4 additional cases were confirmed from contact investigation. In total, 5 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to a family in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province and Yujin Electric, first case was confirmed on 26 August and 14 additional cases were confirmed (13 from contact investigation and 1 while under self-quarantine). In total, 15 cases have been confirmed.


○ Related to Malbawoo Market in Buk-gu, Gwangju City, first case was confirmed on 30 August and 10 additional cases were confirmed. In total, 11 cases have been confirmed.


□  Imported cases as of 0:00, 7 September:

○ 11 new imported cases

- 4 confirmed at the point of entry and 7 were confirmed in the community while in mandatory self-quarantine after arrival

  - 5 Korean nationals and 6 foreign nationals

○ Infection acquisition location (presumed):

  - Asia excluding China: Philippines 3, India 3, Kyrgyzstan 1, Japan 1

  - Europe: Turkey 2

  - Africa: Algeria 1


□  Last two weeks’ COVID-19 statistics:



○ 274.8 daily new local cases on average for the last two weeks

○ The greater capital region (Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi) accounted for 208 cases

○ 11.5 daily new imported cases on average

○ 52 local clusters

○ Percentage of cases with unknown chain of transmission: 21.3%

○ Percentage of elderly cases (60 or older) increased

○ Percentage of severe/critical cases increased (from 14.8 to 82.4)

○ Chain of transmission:

- Local clusters: 1,785 cases (44.5%)

- Contacts of previous confirmed cases: 1,150 cases (28.7%)

- Under investigation: 852 cases (21.3%)

- Multiple mass infections through various groups including religious facilities, healthcare facilities, care facilities, publicly used facilities, multilevel marketing business seminars, and workplaces.


□  Severe/critical cases and deaths:

○ 336 deaths total (cumulative)

○ 326 (97%) had underlying medical condition(s) such as hypertension or diabetes

○ Case fatality rate by age group:



○ 25 deaths during the last two weeks (23 August – 5 September)

  - 4 aged 90-99

  - 12 aged 80-89

  - 8 aged 70-79

  - 1 aged 60-69

  - 24 had underlying medical condition(s)


□  KCDC analyzed genomic sequence of 74 additional samples of local COVID-19 patients collected from 24 August to 31 August. All 74 belonged to GH clade.


□  For influenza prevention, free flu vaccination will be provided for 19,000,000 eligible people.

○ Eligible groups:

  - Children aged between 6 months to 13 years

  - Children aged 14-18 (new)

  - Pregnant women

  - The elderly aged over 65 years old

  - The elderly aged 62-64 (new)

○ To find which healthcare institutions provide free flu vaccines, check the National Immunization Program website (https://nip.cdc.go.kr) or smartphone app.

○ Before visiting a healthcare facility for flu vaccine, remember the following COVID-19 precautions:

?Make an appointment in advance

?Inform healthcare professionals if having COVID-19 symptoms

?Follow infection prevention guidelines including mask wearing


□  Social Distancing Level 2 for the whole nation has been extended to 20 September. The Enhanced Social Distancing Level 2 for the greater capital area has been extended to 13 September.


□  KCDC reminds the public of various precautions related to the types of facilities that recently had transmissions to stop the spread of COVID-19.

○ Religious facilities:

  - No in-person events including regular worship service

  - No in-person social gathering, events, or eating together

○ Healthcare facilities and care facilities commonly used by the elderly:

  - Strict entry/exit control

  - Staff of such facilities should try to avoid social gatherings or visiting publicly used facilities

  - If a resident/patient shows symptoms, help them to get tested as soon as possible

  - Mask wearing and other prevention measures

○ Door-to-door sales / multilevel marketing / investment firms:

  - The middle aged and elderly are advised to avoid business seminars or information sessions related to door-to-door sales, real estate investment, virtual currency, or health supplement businesses.

○ Publicly used facilities (including restaurants and cafes):

  - Disinfect and ventilate frequently

  - Ensure all staff and visitors follow infection prevention guidelines including mask wearing








○ Confirmed cases by gender and age group



○ Deaths by gender and age group









Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC)


  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(September07)_Morning.pdf (94.69KB / Download 377회) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 Press_Release_(September07)_Afternoon.pdf (343.86KB / Download 373회) Download