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****2015 지원 서류 준비 및 제휴교 지원 안내****

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2015-09-03 00:00
  • Hit1,329

Application for 2015 지원서류 준비요령


지원서류 제출시 복사본 2 부를 만들어 부는 원본과 같이 학생지원팀에 제출, 나머지 부는 본인소지!!




Application Form

- 모든 지원서상의 이름은 여권에 기재된 이름이어야 합니다.


- Paper Form 경우는 작성 전에 Form 읽어본 주의를 기울여 작성하여야 합니다. 작성 중에 오타로 수정이 필요한 경우에는 새로운 Form 으로 처음부터 다시 작성하며 절대 수정액을 사용하면 안됩니다. 모든 사항을 기입하면 다시 검토를 마친 학생지원팀으로 제출하여 담당자에게 확인을 받은 최종 제출하여야 합니다.


- 작성 모르거나 기입여부가 불분명할 시에는 빈칸으로 남겨주고 표시하여 제출 담당자에게 문 의하십시오.


- Online Application 작성 GPA 기입부분에서 학부/대학원 GPA 기입이 4.0 만점기준으로 표기토록 되어있으면 다음의 표를 참고하여 계산하십시오. 외에는 4.5 만점으로 하여 GPA 기입하시면 됩니다. (특별한 GPA 환산식이 있는 대학은 그의 기준에 따르도록 합니다.


4.0 = A+, A

2.8 = B-

1.5 = D+

3.8 = A-

2.5 = C+

1.0 = D

3.5 = B+

2.0 = C

0.8 = D-

3.0 = B

1.8 = C-

0.0 = F


Resume or Curriculum Vitae


- 영문이력서 혹은 경력서로서 특정한 양식은 없으며 크게 인적사항, , 경력사항, 포상 특이사항을 중심으로 작성되며 양식은 인터넷에서 많이 찾아볼 있습니다.

- 학교에 따라 Resume 특별한 사항의 기술을 요구할 있으니 지원하고자 하는 학교의 안내를 상세히 읽어보시기 바랍니다.


Statement of Purpose (SOP) 학업계획서 혹은 Essay


- 심사 시에 지원자를 파악하는데 가장 중요한 정보로서 Top Business School 지원자들 같은 경우 SOP 2~3 달에 걸쳐서 작성합니다. 그만큼은 아니겠지만 최대한 공을 들여서 작성을 하시기 바랍니다.

- 이는 학업계획서로서 지원자의 장점 경력, 이력사항을 중심으로 지원하고자 하는 Program(전공) 연관성 포부 등을 효과적으로 기술하되 자신만의 특성을 부각시키는 것이 필요합니다. 그러나 학교마다 작성시 포함되어야 내용이 다를 있으므로, 홈페이지에서 확인 작성 바랍니다.

- 지원하고자 하는 학교의 교수진과 커리큘럼을 검토한 , 교수들의 관심 분야와 연구분야를 세밀히 살펴볼 필요가 있다 . 해당학과의 교수들의 프로필을 최대한 활용하고, 주요저널에 발표된 관심분야의 교수들의 동향을 살펴보는 것도 도움이 됩니다.

- 입학심사에 가장 크게 작용하는 사항으로써 많은 노력을 기울여서 작성되어야 합니다. 전문교정을 보는 편이 바람직합니다.

- 짜깁기는 절대로 금합니다. (지원자 심사 알아보고 담당자에게 메일 보냅니다.)


Recommendation form (Reference Form) 추천서


- 학교에 따라 다르지만 2 혹은 3 부를 요구합니다. 지원대학의 Reference Form 있는 경우에는 추천서를 요구할 교수님께 양식(Form) 드려서 작성을 부탁 드리시기 바랍니다.

- 2 부일 경우 소속기관과 KDI 대학원 교수님께 1 부씩 추천서 작성을 부탁 드리면 됩니다.

대학원 교수님께 부탁드릴경우 수업을 수강했던 교수님께 요청하기 바라며 개인 이력서와 수강했던 과목의 성적이 나와있는 성적증명서 그리고 KDI 대학원 레터지와 봉투를 함께 주시기 바랍니다. (지원대학의 Reference Form 있는 경우에는 지원자 정보를 기입 , Reference Form 추천인 작성란도 반드시 작성토록 하여야 합니다.)

- Online Application 경우, 온라인상에 추천인 등록을 하면 등록된 이메일로 추천서 작성요청이 자동으로 전송됩니다. 추천인은 안내된 링크로 접속하여 추천서를 작성하면 됩니다.


위와 같은 프로세스에 생소할 있으니 반드시 최종 제출 전에 위와 같은 사실을 추천인에게

알려주고 신속히 추천서를 입력할 있도록 해주시기 바랍니다.

(현재 "모든" 학교가 Online으로 추천서를 받고 있습니다. 추천자(& amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: red; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-font-kerning: 0pt; mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman"">교수님, 기관상사)분들께 Spam 메일함도 확인해 주시길 부탁드리시면서 추천서 작성을 부탁드리시기 바랍니다.)






to be completed by applicant 부분 -> 학생 기입부분


to the recommender -> 추천인 기입부분


- 추천서를 부탁 드린 교수님께는 충분한 시간을 드리고 ( 1~2 주정도) 언제까지 제출해야 한다는 것도 같이 말씀 드리십시오.

- 추천서는 추천인의 공식 기관 레터지에 Print 혹은 기술되어야 하며 마찬가지로 기관공식 봉투로 Sealed(겉에 풀칠하고 서명하는 , 또는 서명 스탬프가 찍힌)되어야 합니다.

- 기관 레터지 혹은 봉투가 없다면 깨끗한 A4 용지와 항공봉투를 사용하셔도 됩니다. 추천인의 서명을 봉투의 접합부분에 가로지르도록 받은 학생지원팀으로 제출하십시오.


Affidavit of support (재정증명서)

- 기관의 고유양식에 따른 재정증명서를 발급받아야 하며 가능하면 지원하는 학교명과 과정명이 기록되도록 하십시오.

- 재정지원금액은 Tuition Fee 커버할 있는 학비 외에 항공, 주택 현지에서 필요한 모든 비용을 커버한다는 내용이 있어야 하며 Salary 역시 언급이 되면 좋습니다.

- 학교별로 기관에서 발급한 재정증명서 외에 학교 양식의 Financial Form 있는 경우게 있는데 경우 학교양식의 Financial Form 에도 소속기관의 정보와 서명을 받아야 합니다.


영문 성적증명서/졸업증명서

- 수학했던(졸업 수료 기타모두 해당) 학교에서 Sealed(봉인) 성적증명서(혹은 졸업증명서도 같이) 발급받아서 학생지원팀으로 같이 제출해주시면 됩니다.

- 보통 학생서비스 센터나 교학서비스 센터에서 발급 가능합니다.

- KDI School 성적증명서는 9306(담당자:홍준기)에서 발급가능


TOEFL / IELTS Score Sheet

- TOEFL 성적제출은 ETS Reporting 기본입니다. (ETS 학교코드로 Reporting 신청)


Passport Copy 여권사본

- 지원자 본인과 동반가족의 여권사본을 같이 제출하시기 바랍니다.

- 지원서류에 지원자와 동반가족의 성명 생년월일이 여권상의 정보와 일치하는지 반드시 확인하십시오.

- 관용여권과 일반여권의 차이는 없습니다. (일부러 관용여권 발급을 위해 시간을 지체할 필요가



Application Fee

- 온라인 지원일 경우, Application Fee 온라인 카드결제가 가능합니다.

- Hardcopy 지원 시에는 시중은행에서 "수신자: 지원학교명"으로 Money check(Money order)

발급 지원서와 같이 첨부하십시오. (MSU MSF Application Fee 면제)




                                           Application for 2014지원안내


1.  Australian National University (ANU), Crawford School of Economics and Government

    1) Online Application Form(http://students.anu.edu.au/apply_online.asp) & Fee(AUD $100)

(Paper Application Form http://students.anu.edu.au/manage/forms/documents-submitted-with-applications.pdf)

2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

(*scanned in color with no alternation (including the size of documents)

3) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation from all previous univ./college

4) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

5) Two(2) "Sealed" Letters of Recommendation

   6) Statement of Purpose

7) Certificate of Employment

8) Financial Support Statement

9) Resume

10) TOEFL/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 0506)

?  iBT 90 w/no subscore below 20, IELTS 6.5(overall) w/no subscore below 6.0

11) Passport Copy



2.  University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy (빠를수록 좋음, Deadline: Late June)

Online 지원 또는 paper form 지원 둘다 가능 (Paper form 제출시 전형료 면제)

1) Online application: http://pgapps.nottingham.ac.uk , Fee(£25)

Paper Application: (£30)

2)  Application Form  * personal statement included

*Link : http://pgapps.nottingham.ac.uk/faq/files/8/UN2613APPFormPostgradAW.pdf

4) Transcripts and Higher Education Certificates (Must be in a "sealed" envelope)

5) Equal Opportunities Form

*Link: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/documents/equal-opps.pdf

6) TOEFL/IELTS score (iBT 88/19/19/19/19, IELTS 6.5/6.0/6.0/6.0/6.0)

7) Two(2) academic references in sealed envelopes, which are signed across the seal

(http://pgstudy.nottingham.ac.uk/apply-postgraduate-course/Documents/ref%20form.pdf )

One of the academic references must be from someone at the KDI School.


**We will need to see the original or certified copy of the following documents which need to be sent by post:

1) Degree certificate

2) 2 references

3) Transcript

4) IELTS or English language test result (a photocopy is sufficient)

Postgraduate masters and research degrees, submit your application by no later than the end of July.



3.  Lancaster University Management School

1) Online application

-Link: http://www.postgraduate.lancs.ac.uk/_layouts/userauthentication/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/MyLancaster/myhome.aspx

-Form process: https://www.postgraduate-applications.lancs.ac.uk/Application/Guidance/94993375-47ae-e311-9356-005056821aa8

  ** Paper Application: (Online Application에서 upload 혹은 기술이 불가한 경우)

2) Curriculum Vitae

3) Transcripts and Higher Education Certificates (Must be in a "sealed" envelope)

4) Affidavit of Support

5) Statement of Purpose

6) GRE/GMAT score (If available)

7) TOEFL/IELTS score (iBT 100, IELTS 7.0 overall - with at least 6.0 in each element)

* 4 week English for academic purpose course is optional or sometimes offered to applicants with slightly lower IELTS. (£1200)

8) Two(2) good references envelopes, which are signed across the seal

- usually from your current employer and someone who knows your academic ability



4.  Duke University ? MA IDP (Deadline: Late August)

1) Online Application Form(https://app.applyyourself.com/?id=sanford ) Fee($80)

2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

3) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

4) Three(3) Letters of Recommendation (online submission preferred)

5) Current Curriculum Vitae or Resume

6) TOELF/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 5156)  iBT 88, IELTS 7.0(overall)

7) Affidavit of Support

8) Statement of Purpose (detailing the reason for applying to the PIDP and how you will contribute to the program) 1 page

**(In your personal statement, please describe why you are interested in obtaining a masters degree in public policy or international development policy, how aspects of your professional, academic, or personal experiences have contributed to your interest, and your professional goals upon graduation. Your statement should be no longer than 2-3 single-spaced pages (MPP) or 1-2 single-spaced pages (MIDP).

9) Policy Essay 1 page

    **(Identify one of the most critical problems related to a developing country and describe what you would do to solve this problem. Discuss the policies that have (or have not) been implemented to address this policy, and how these policies are effective (or ineffective). What would you do if you were in the position of a policy maker? Please limit your response to one page.)



5. Michigan State University, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management- MScF (Deadline: August 30th)

1) Online Application is a MUST Do not need to submit "Recommendation Letter & SOP"

2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

3) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation from all previous univ./college

4) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

5) TOEFL/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 1465) iBT (80:19/19/19/22) IELTS 6.5 overall

6) Copy of Passport

7) Affidavit of Support

8) Two(2) pictures



6.  Michigan State University, School of Planning, Design and Construction - MIPS (Deadline: September 7th)

1) Online Application: (https://admissions.msu.edu/toolbox/apply.asp) & Fee ($50)

-> Start your online application -> I am a International Graduate student -> I am ready to apply using the Web **MIPS학과 코드는 7623 (International Planning Studies)

2) TOEFL/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 1465) iBT (80:19/19/19/22) IELTS 6.0 overall



**We will need to see the original or certified copy of the following documents which need to be sent by post:

1) Printed Online Application Form

2) Official "Sealed" Affidavit of Support

3) Letter of Recommendation & Letter of Endorsement

4) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation & Transcript from all previous univ./college

5) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

6) Statement of Purpose

7) Copy of English score

8) Copy of Passport

9) Resume



7.  Rutgers University, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy (Deadline: August 30th)

1) Online Application (http://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/apply.shtml ) & Fee($65)


2) Personal Statement of Interest

3) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

4) Three(3) Letters of Recommendation

5) All Available Transcripts

6) Certification of Funds for International Students (See Online):


7) TOEFL score (TOEFL Institution Code: 2790) iBT 95~Min 83(21/17/23/22)

8) Copy of Passport



8.  Syracuse University, The Maxwell School of Syracuse (Deadline: Late July)

1) Application Online(http://gradsch.syr.edu/pdfs/Applications/MAX_app.pdf) Fee($75)

**https://apply.embark.com/grad/syracuse/37/ (Create account login)

check the application process after login (https://apply.embark.com/grad/syracuse/37/Home.asp


2) Personal Statement of Purpose *approximately 500words

3) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

4) Three(3) Letters of Recommendation

5) Two(2) Copies of Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

6) Two(2) Copies of Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation from all previous univ./college

7) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

8) TOEFL/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 2823)

iBT 92/93 or above & IELTS 7.0~7.5(overall) or above

9) Two(2) Copies of Sponsor Letter or Affidavit of Support Form

10) Passport Copy

11) an SUIA form (for VISA purposes)




9.     University of California, San Diego, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies ? GLI (Deadline : Fall : Late June, Spring : Late August)

1) Admission Guideline

** http://irps.ucsd.edu/programs/executive-education-gli/admissions-information/

2) GLI application fee ($75) & Form DS-2019 processing fee ($300),

*Once you are accepted to the GLI program, you will be given a DS-2019 application form.

3) Application for Admission (refer to attachment "GLI Application.pdf")


Application for Admission to GLI



1) Sponsor''s Statement

2) Affidavit of Support

3) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

4) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation from all previous univ./college

5) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

6) TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score (TOEFL Institution Code: 4836)

*TOEFL 90 iBT, TOEIC 750, or IELTS band 7.0 (Summer ESL 등록 면제)

*TOEFL score (80 iBT), IELTS (7.0) OR TOEIC (605) (Summer ESL 등록 필수)

7) Copy of Passport

8) Application Fee($75) & VISA Application Fee($300)


Paper Application

1) Application Form  * personal statement included

2) Transcripts and Higher Education Certificates (Must be in a "sealed" envelope)

3) Equal Opportunities Form

4) TOEFL/IELTS score iBT 88(19/19/19/19)  IELTS 6.5 (6.0/6.0/6.0/6.0)

5) Two(2) academic references in sealed envelopes, which are signed across the seal

(http://pgstudy.nottingham.ac.uk/apply-postgraduate-course/Documents/ref%20form.pdf )

**One of the academic references must be from someone at the KDI School.


We will need to see the original or certified copy of the following documents which need to be sent by post:

1) Degree certificate

2) 2 references

3) Transcript

4) IELTS or English language test result (a photocopy is sufficient)



10. University of Colorado at Denver, Graduate School of Public Affairs ? MPA (Deadline: August 17th)

1) Online Application:


2) Application Form & Fee ($75)

3) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

4) Statement of Purpose

 5) Declaration of program form **http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/SPA/Admissions/Documents/Declaration%20of%20Program%20%20Application.pdf

6) Three(3) Letter of Recommendation

7) Two(2) Copies of Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

8) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

9) TOEFL/IELTS score (TOEFL Institution Code: 4875) (iBT 80(15/14/19/20), IELTS 6.5)

    10) Financial Statement

11) Passport Copy



 11. University of Missouri-Columbia, Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs ? MPA (Deadline: September 1st )

1) Online Application (https://app.applyyourself.com/?id=umc-grad)

**MPA Application for Admission(http://gradschool.missouri.edu/forms-downloads/repository/gradapp.pdf)& Fee$75.00US 

 (non-refundable application-processing fee)

2) Affidavit of Support


3) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

4) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

5) iBT 79, IELTS 6.0 (TOEFL Institution Code: 6875 & Truman School Department Code: 4801)

6) Resume/Curriculum Vitae (include Birth City)

7) Three(3) Letter of Recommendation (http://truman.missouri.edu/uploads/rec.pdf)

8) Statement of Interest

9) Passport Copy



 12. University of Southern California, Sol Price School of Public Policy ? IPPAM (Deadline: Late July)

   1) Graduate Application & Fee($85)


2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./collge

http://www.usc.edu/admission/graduate/docs/11_GradForm3.pdf (Transcript cover page)

3) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

4) Application Form (complete through the Graduate On-Line Application)

5) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

6) Minimum of Three(3) Letters of Recommendation (including at least one academic reference)

-> For paper recommendation (Login ?Go to downloadable forms

aClick paper recommendation form)

7) Statement of purpose (approximately 1,000  words):

- Why are you interested in pursuing the Master of Public Administration degree?

- How will a Master of Public Administration degree affect or enhance your career aspirations and goals?

8) iBT 100 w/no subscore below 20

 (Conditional iBT 85or above with 20 weeks of language course)

9) Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0

10) Composite GRE score of at least 1000 OR GMAT of at least 500

11) Affidavit of Support



13.  University at Albany, State University of New York ? MPA (Deadline: September 7th)


  1) Online Application

**http://www.albany.edu/graduate/application-forms.php)& Fee($75) (Fee exemption request form http://www.albany.edu/graduate/graduate-admission-fee-exempt-request.php)

2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./collge

3) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Graduation from all previous univ./college

4) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

5) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

6) Minimum of Three(3) "Sealed" Letters of Recommendation

 -including at least one academic reference


7) Statement of Purpose (1~2 pages) **http://www.albany.edu/rockefeller/gateway_docs/pad/MPA%20Statement%20of%20Purpose.pdf

8) TOEFL score (TOEFL Institutional Code: 2532)  iBT 85(above)

9) Affidavit of Support

10) 갑종근로소득세 원천징수 증명서(월급여내역 명시) .& amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; font face="맑은 고딕">영문 혼용 1

11) Financial Affidavit Form and Instruction *http://www.albany.edu/graduate/pdfs/int_financialaffidavit.pdf )

Year 1 $ 40,000 기입

12) Dependents Form (http://www.albany.edu/graduate/pdfs/dependents.pdf )

13) Application Fee Payment Form(http://www.albany.edu/graduate/pdfs/applicationfee.pdf )

14) Passport copy

15) Recommendation form


1) www.albany.edu -> Admissions -> Graduate Admissions -> international Student Applicants -> Application Forms -> Recommendation Forms -> Financial Affidavit Form -> Dependents Form -> "Step-by-Step Application Process" (read) -> Online Application -> Begin Your Online Application -> Create Account -> Log-in

담당 한국인 교수: 정익재 (chungij@chol.com, ichung@albany.edu)



14.  University of Maryland, College Park, School of Public Policy- EXPM (Deadline Oct 1st)


1) Online Application


2) Application form (http://www.gradschool.umd.edu/images/uploads/Graduate%20Application%20Paper%20Form.pdf)& Fee($75)

3) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./collge

4) Official "Sealed" Transcript & Certificate of Enrollment from KDI School

5) Resume/Curriculum Vitae

6) Three(3) "Sealed" Letters of Recommendation (including at least one academic reference)


7) A Statement of Goals and Experiences

8) TOEFL Score

#Unconditional Admission- above iBT 100 (S 22/ L26/ R26/ W26) IELTS overall 7(L 7/ R7/ W7/ S6.5)

#Provisional Admission ? above iBT 84-99 (S22/ L18~25/ R21~24/ W21~24) IELTS 6.5~7(L6~7/ R6~7/ W6~7/ S6~7)

Please note you can apply to the University even if your English proficiency scores do not meet the minimum requirements. If you are admitted to the University, it will be with a provision that you will take an English proficiency exam during orientation.

9) Affidavit of Support

10) Financial Statement from Sponsoring Organization

11) Passport copy

ie) supporting material checklist http://www.gradschool.umd.edu/images/uploads/Supporting%20Materials%20Checklist.pdf



15.  New York University(NYU), Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service - EMPA (Deadline : May 1st)


<< Minimum Working Exp Requirement>>

- 10 or more years of work experience

- 5 or more years in a managerial position

- Senior management experience or potential


1) Application form (https://wagner-nyu-ascend.symplicity.com/index.php?s=register&mode=form&session_id=28698d23b4ebe7ca2ef2ae27301bc91b&program_id=10ea2363475914df7a2c945b7f293783) Fee($85)

* online payment (or) Money check (시중은행 송금수표) 가능

2) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./collge

3) Official "Sealed" Transcript

4) Application Fee
Please make your nonrefundable application fee of $85 payable to New York University. Credit card and check/money order are accepted. 

5) Resume(or)Curriculum Vitae
6) Recommendation: two (2) letters of recommendations

We do not accept mailed recommendations.

7) Transcript Verification Process:
8) Brief Statements

9) iBT 100 above

10) Financial Statement

11) Passport copy

12) Required Essays

Executive MPA for Public Service Leaders and Managers

·         Essay 1. Tell us about your professional impact to-date and your future goals.  Why is now the right time in your career to pursue an executive degree at NYU Wagner? (750 words)

·         Essay 2. Describe a significant leadership challenge in your life, possibly even a failure.  What did you learn and how did this experience shape your professional aspirations? (300 words)

Executive MPA for Global Policy Leaders

·         Essay 1. Tell us about your professional achievements to-date and your future goals.  Why is now the right time in your career to pursue a joint, global executive degree at NYU Wagner and University College London? (750 words)

·         Essay 2. Describe a time when you managed change or built capacity within a complex environment.  What was your role?  What was the outcome? (300 words)

Executive MPA for Nurse Leaders

·         Essay 1. Describe your professional goals and how the EMPA - Nurse Leaders program will help you achieve them. Why is now the right time in your career to pursue an executive degree at NYU Wagner? (750 words)

·         Essay 2. What impact do you hope to have on your work environment?  How will your participation in the EMPA - Nurse Leaders Program help you accomplish this goal? (300 words)


Website: http://wagner.nyu.edu/admissions/applying/checklist#empa




16. GRIPS (Japan) - MPA (Deadline; Late May)


1) On-Line Graduate Application & Fee (JPY 30,000) (https://gast.grips.ac.jp/entry/)

2) Certificate of Application

3) One (1) photograph (30 x 40 mm)

4) Two (2) Official "Sealed" letters of recommendation

5) Official "Sealed" Certificate of Employment describing the applicant''s present job title and employer details.

6) Official "Sealed" Transcript from all previous univ./college

7) Official "Sealed" Transcript from KDI School

8) Official TOEFL or IELTS score report (GRIPS TOEFL code no. 9040, photocopies are not acceptable.) o r undergraduate/graduate education conducted in English.

9) iBT 79 , IELTS : 6.0

10) Statement of purpose

11) Copy of Foreign Resident Registration Card *only if you are a foreign resident in Japan.





17. University of Washington, Evans School of Public Affairs ? MPA (Deadline; August 15th)


1) Online Application fee of $85 (U.S.) for completing the online application to the University of Washington (UW) Graduate School and Evans School.

Link: (https://www.grad.washington.edu/applForAdmiss/)

3) Resume,

4) Statement of purpose, describing in 750 words or less:

5) Personal history statement, describing in 500 words or less:

6) Transcripts

7) Two or three letters of reference

8) An official English language test score as follows:

7.0 on the IELTS

92 on the TOEFL iBT

580 on th TOEFL pBT (paper-based)

An applicant whose test scores are below the scores indicated above may be accepted into a graduate program, but is required to enroll in the designated UW Academic English Program (AEP) courses during the first quarter of enrollment.

Students who do not successfully complete their English language proficiency requirements will not be permitted to continue enrollment as a graduate student.