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[Info Session] Michigan State University_Finance(6.24)

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2015-06-24 00:00
  • Hit229

[2015. 6. 24. Michigan State University]


School: Eli Broad School of Management

Requirement: 30 credits (9 credits transferrable from KDIS)

Core: 18 credits (must)

Vacancy: 10

GMAT waiver

Number of Students per each year: 30~35 (Last year 41)

Student lounge only for KDIS Students

Family members are welcome to most of the school events

An Executive ESL course is to be taken by scholars from the KDIS per each semester aside from the regular 21 credits. (3hours/week)

Class Hours: 8:30~17:20

MBA 학생과 함께 수업

지원서 제출목록 중 KDIS 출신은 Letter of Rec 3부 생략

Sub writing 22, LSR 19Regular Admission 가능

Tuition $38,000

미국 내에서 세 번째로 큰 캠퍼스

6개월 연장 시 Tuition $13,000 더 부과

3학기 무조건 등록

온라인 과정 없음

논문 없음

수학적 배경지식 Risk management 수업 정도.



Christine S. Leigh




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