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[Info Session] University of California, San Diego 2nd Session (4.2)

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2014-04-02 00:00
  • Hit205

[2014.4.2. University of California, San Diego]


Q. When is the deadline?

 -> Deadline for the MAS-IA Program falls on April 15th.


Q. Would you recommend ESL courses for every student?

-> If applicant from the KDI School’s iBT score is over 90, they will only be “highly recommended” to sign up for the ESL summer courses. However, if each section (Reading/Listening/Writing/Speaking) falls below 20 (IELTS 7.0) it (either 5 week or 10 week) is to likely to be required.

* 10 week ESL program is not applicable since the commencing date is on July 2nd. (KDI School’s 2nd Summer Session ends on August 1st(Fri)


Q. Please inform us the time table for the ESL courses in the summer

-> Monday through Thursday 2~5PM including Analytical Writing.


Q. Hours for Academic Courses?

-> It really depends, but elective lectures are being held twice a week for 1h/half whereas core courses are being held once for 3 hours (10 minutes break). Evening classes could be open and the hours are from 6:30PM~9:30PM.

* The answer applies for only those who are applying for MAS-IA (a dual-degree program).


Q. When is the exact commencing date for the Fall term?

-> It starts on the last week of September meaning you can enter the US 30 days in advance. A 30-day-rule is based on the US immigration law.


Q. How long is each semester?

-> It is designed for 11 weeks in 3 semesters.


Q. When is the vacation period?

  -> You will have a 3 week vacation in the winter and a weeklong vacation after the spring term.


Q. ESL tuition fee?

  -> 5 week course: $1,500

  -> 10 week course: $ 2,500


Q. Any elementary school nearby?

  -> There’s one elementary school name “Doyle” and it takes 15 minutes to walk.


Q. I heard there is an after school program being offered for children. Specify?

  -> After school program is being offered at all elementary schools in the area. However, you will be asked to pay an extra amount to sign up for the afternoon program.


Q. How demanding is it to write a capstone at UCSD?

  -> It is being submitted in lieu of thesis. We bet it requires at least 50 pages of writing along with a research period with 3 other students.


Q. Can we apply for the On-campus dormitories?

  -> Please apply as soon as possible since the family dorm is being assigned really fast. Family dorm on campus could be provided only for the students that are applying for the Master’s Degree Program. (not offered for the GLI applicants)


*Please feel free to send us an e-mail if you need any additional information about your individual issues.


<<담당자 안내>>

Maura Deignan (mdeignan@ucsd.edu)

Rita Kernacs (rkernacs@ucsd.edu)



Christine S. Leigh

