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요크대학교 사회정책학과 설명회

  • CategoryGMP Notice
  • NameKIM, Hyun Joo
  • Date2011-09-19 00:00
  • Hit239
요크대학교사회정책학과설명회 주   최: UKEO (United Kingdom Education Office)
일   시: 2011년 9월 29일(목), 오후 5시 30분
장   소: UKEO 홍대 Office (홍대입구역 9번출구)
연   사: Dr Neil Lunt, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.
주   제:  ’An Introduction to Social Policy(and study) at the University of York   참가 예약하기 메 일: taesuk@ukeducation.co.kr 연락처: 02-3143-0380 *UKEO (United Kingdom Education Office) 
 Application and Counselling Service Division. Supported and Trained by UK universities to offer free Education and Counselling Services to students. 
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