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[NOTICE]Application for Exchange Program for Fall 2017

  • CategoryExchange Notice
  • NamePark Minah
  • Date2017-03-06 00:00
  • Hit356

Application for Exchange Program for Fall 2017


  1. Since International Students already study abroad in Korea, all the priority goes to Korean Students.
  2. 아래 정보는 변경가능하며, 지원을 원하시는 분은 반드시 마감 전 사전 상담 바랍니다.

▣ Partner Institutions

You will find the detailed information of each partner school from the link; https://www.kdischool.ac.kr/#/students/cc/study_abroad_program/partner_school.

1) Escuela de Administracion pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile ; PUC (Chile)

2) Fudan University (China)

3) Institut Superieur de Commerce ; ISC (France)

4) Institut Superieur de Commerce International de Dunkerque ; ISCID (France)

5) Leipzig Graduate School of Management ; HHL (Germany) *Dual Degree

6) Universidad de las Americas Puebla ; UDLA (Mexico)

7) Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam: ISS (Netherlands)

8) Saint Louis University (USA)

9) ESSEC Business School (France)*

10) KU Leuven (Belgium)*

*The above 2 schools have been in the list since 2017 Fall Semester.


Eligibility Requirements for application(가을학기 파견-봄학기 내부선발)

1)) At least 24 credits completed including core courses (For Spring students: by the time of application, For Fall students: by the time of departure)

2) CGPA of at least 3.5 or above (by the time of application)

3) TOEFL: CBT 213, iBT 79~80, IELTS 6.0 or above, iBT 100 only for HHL Dual Degree (by the time of application)

The requirement for english score is varied for the partner schools, therefore you should check on the each partner school's requirment. (e.g. HHL in Germany: iBT 90, ESSEC in France: iBT 100, ISS in Netherlands: iBT 99, etc.) 

4) Completion of three terms (five terms for the part-time students) at KDI School (by the time of departure)


Application Materials

1) Application Form (attached)

2) Resume (attached)

3) Statement of Purpose (attached)

4) Transcript of Academic Records (KDI School)

5) 1 Photo (3 cm X 4 cm)

6) TOEFL Score

7) GMAT 600 at least (only for HHL Dual Degree Program)


Submission Period: Mar., 17 (Fri.), 2017

* Since Exchange conditions including tuition are varied, please consult the student affairs division before applying it.

* Please submit the complete documents to the Student Affairs Division.


Notification to the accepted candidates

Several weeks after an application is submitted.


Period of Exchange Program

One semester to one academic year (one/two/three terms depending on partner institutions)

▣ For more partner school information, click "STUDENTS" on the top side -> LOG IN -> Exchange Program -> Partner School

▣ All information, study period and number of selection by KDI School and partner institution are subject to change. For more details, please contact Minah Park at 044-550-1224 or minah_park@kdischool.ac.kr


Student Affairs Division

  • docx 첨부파일 Exchange_Application_Form_2017Fall.docx (27.24KB / Download 249회) Download