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Attending 2017 World Happiness Report Launch

  • NameUm, Gee
  • Date2018-01-25 00:00
  • Hit113

- 목적 : Attending 2017 World Happiness Report Launch
- 출장지 : 미국

- 출장자 : Shun Wang

- 출장기간 : 2017. 3. 18 ~ 2017. 3. 22

- 주요면담자 또는 참석자(기관) : 

  • Jeff Sachs (Prof., Columbia Univ.), John Helliwell (Prof. emeritus, UBC), Richard Layard (Prof. emeritus, LSE), Haifang Huang (Associate Prof., Univ. of Alberta), Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (Associate Prof.,  Univ. of Oxford), Richard Easterlin (Prof., USC), Valerie Møller  (Prof., Rhodes Univ.), Benjamin J. Roberts (Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa), Jon Hall (UNDP), Carrie Exton (OECD), et al.

- 주요활동사항 : 

  • Key activities on March 20
    United Nations, New York

    Word Happiness Report Launch
    (Delegates Dining Hall)
    9:00 – 10:15am

    8:30am                   Guest arrival
    9:00am                   Opening Remarks
    9:05am                   World Happiness Report 2017
    9:35am                   Panel on Happiness
    10:00am                SDSN Leadership Council
    10:08am                Closing Remarks
    10:15am                End

    Public Policy for Happiness
    10:30 - 12:00
    UN ECOSOC Chamber (see the attached file for details)

    World Happiness Report
    Discussion of individual chapters
    (Room adjacent to Delegates Dining Room)
    12:00 – 4:00pm

    12:00 –                Lunch
    1:00pm                Happiness at Work
    1:30pm                Social Foundations of World Happiness
    2:00pm                The Key Determinants of Happiness and Misery
    2:30pm                Tea/Coffee break
    3:00pm                ‘Waiting for Happiness’ in Africa
    3:30pm                Growth and Happiness in China, 1990-2015
    4:00pm                End