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2019 OECD Meeting of the committee in charge of the global report on strategic public communication 참석

  • NameUm, Gee
  • Date2019-02-19 00:00
  • Hit141

- 목적 : 2019 OECD Meeting of the committee in charge of the global report on strategic public communication 참석
- 출장지 : 프랑스

- 출장자 : 이태준

- 출장 기간 : 2019. 1. 23 ~ 2019. 1. 27

- 주요 면담 자 또는 참석자 (기관) : 

  • UK GCS: Gerald Mullally, Beth Robins, and Amal Lahouet

  • OECD: Alessandro Bellantoni, Karine Badr, Craig Matasick, Paulina Lopez 

- 주요 활동 사항 :

  • Discussed and developed the methodology and outline of the global report, the UK’s Government Communication Service International (GCSI) and the Korean Development Institute (KDI) convened at the OECD on 24-25 January. Discussions also covered the roles of each actor as well as a draft timeline for the project.

  • pdf 첨부파일 출장복명서.pdf (70.57KB / Download 109회) Download