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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
131 GMP Notice MSU-URPP Presentation Material KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-19 983
130 GMP Notice MSU-VIPP Orientation Material KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-19 KDIS_Orientaion_Packet_all_2004-2005.doc 1073
129 GMP Notice MSU-VIPP Presentation Material(updated) KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-19 KDIS_Presentation_051904.ppt 1049
128 GMP Notice MSU-VIPP_Orientation(2004-2005) KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-18 VIPP_Orientaion_Packet(2004-2005).doc 1131
127 GMP Notice MSU-VIPP_Presentation(2004-2005) KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-18 VIPP_KDIS_Presentation(040519)(2).ppt 1077
126 GMP Notice Monthly Meeting of May (5.19) KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-05-17 1155
125 GMP Notice GMP Student Board Opening!! KIM, Hyun Joo 2004-04-27 1083
124 KDIS Notice Request for Arranging a Thesis Supervisor Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-09 Request for arranging a Thesis Supervisor.doc 1004
123 KDIS Notice Thesis Submission Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-09 Recommendation from the Thesis Supervisor for Thesis Evaluation-new(2).doc 991
122 KDIS Notice Exchange Program for 2005 Spring Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-09 05Spring_ExchangeProgram_Poster.doc 952