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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3146 GMP Notice 2019학년도 봄학기 파견 해외대 지원 준비 KIM, Hyun Joo 2018-06-19 475
3145 KDIS Notice [Notice] "K-Water" Internship Recruitment(International Stud.. Byun, Juyeon 2018-06-18 [KDIS]Intern Application Form.doc 407
3144 Student Notice (health information) Learn about gallstone with medical cart.. Kim, Hyunmi 2018-06-15 615
3143 Student Club KDIS FC United GAKU, Ousman 2018-06-11 348
3142 KDIS Notice 2018 CSR Research Paper Competition by KOSRI Park, Junsuk 2018-06-08 코스리 논문경진대회 포스터 (영문).pdf 419
3141 KDIS Notice [Deadline Extended] 2018 Song and Dance Festival Application Park Minah 2018-06-07 603
3140 Student Club KDIS Christian Fellowship Club ODONGO, Nicholas Ouma 2018-06-06 343
3139 Student Forum Board Special lecture on Belt and Road Initiative [ IR Forum ] LIN, Long 2018-06-02 341
3138 Student Club 2018 Summer Club Orientation YANG,Seungjae 2018-06-01 2개의 첨부파일 347
3137 Academic Notice Screening of applicants for the Government Reform: Case Writ.. LEE, Hakbae 2018-06-01 Screening of applicants summer 2018 comments_Final.docx 540