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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
1046 GMP Notice GMP 졸업요건 설명자료 KIM, Hyun Joo 2011-02-23 GMP 졸업요건정리.ppt 248
1045 GMP Notice 2011 International Program Guidebook (GMP 책자) KIM, Hyun Joo 2011-02-21 International Program Guide Book_Final_1298279205108.pdf 250
1044 GMP Notice 2011 GMP 오리엔테이션 자료 및 FAQ KIM, Hyun Joo 2011-02-17 2개의 첨부파일 254
1043 Student Club [NOTICE] (KDI Hiking Club) 8th hiking invitation~ Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 250
1042 Student Club Invitation to all our fellow Christian Students Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 260
1041 Student Club [NOTICE] (KDI Hiking Club) 7th hiking invitation~ Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 250
1040 KDIS Notice [2011 Fall Semester] Application for Graduation Eligibility .. Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 256
1039 KDIS Notice Special Lecture by Attorney Kong (Oct. 12) Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 RESUME-SHK.pdf 243
1038 KDIS Notice Application for Declaring Concentration(s) during 2011 Fall .. Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 3개의 첨부파일 267
1037 KDIS Notice The RAND-KDI Ph.D. Fellowship Hyun Min Sung 2010-12-09 375