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Card News_Climate Change and Human Rights(Daniel T)

  • Name인권센터
  • Date2022-07-27 15:33
  • Hit608

Title: Climate Change and Human Rights

By. Daniel T


-This content was written by KDI Human Rights Supporters, and the content may differ from the official opinion of KDI Human Rights Center

Climate Change and Human Rights - Daniel | KDI SCHOOL

Introduction : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조


  • Art. 1 UDHR : "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscious and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood"
  • Climate change impacts, directly and indirectly, an array of internationally guaranteed human rights.
  • It has a profound effect on the enjoument of human rights for individuals and communities across the planet.

Causes of climate change | CO2 emissions from fossil fuels / Greenhouse Gases / Burning forests, bio fuels

Humans and climate change impacts | Extreme weather : flood, Migration, Diseases, Salinization/acidification of oceans

℃ per decade | Difference(℃) from 1961 - 1990 / Estimated actual global mean temperatures(℃)

Observed Arctic Temperature, 1900 to Present

Observed sea ice September 1979 : Observed sea ice September 2003

What human rights principles apply in the context of climate change? : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조

What human rights principles apply in the context of climate change?

  • States are obligated to respect, protect, promote, and fulfil all human rights for all people.
  • This includes an affirmative obligation to prevent foreseeable harms including those caused by climate change.
  • The UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
  • Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(ICESCR), and the UN Declaration on the Right to Development all make clear that State human rights obligations require both individual action and international cooperation.
  • According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms therein can be fully realized and everyone has duties to the community.

The United Nations Guiding Principles(2011)

  • PROTECT States

    Duty to protect human rights

  • RESPECT Businesses

    Responsibility to respect human rights

  • REMEDY States and Business

    Duty to provide access to effective remedies for victims

Which human rights are most affected by climate change? | "Climate change, human-induced climate change, is obviously an assault on the ecosystem that we all share, but it also has the added feature of undercutting rights, important rights like the right to health, the right to food, to water and sanitation, to adequate housing, and, in a number of small island States and coastal communities, the very right to self-determination and existence." Flavia Pansieri, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rrights

Which human rights are most affected by climate change? | The Right to Life - The right to life is a univerally recognized right for all human beings. it is a fundamental right which governs all other existing right. in its absence, all other fundamental rights have no reason to exist. / RIGHT EDUCATION / Development is a human right and belongs to everyone

How can human rights be integrated in climate-change related actions? : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조

How can human rights be integrated in climate-change related actions?

  • Human rights can be integrated in climate-change related actions by applying a rights-based approach to poicy and development as called for by the Declaration on the Right to Development and agreed to in the UN Common Understanding of a Human Rights-Based approach to Development Cooperation.
  • The UN Common Understanding emphasizes key human rights principles like universality and inalienability, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness, non-discrimination and equality, participation and inclusion, accountability and the rule of law.





Conclusion : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조


  • Anthropogenic climate change is the largest, most pervasive threat to the natural environment and human rights of our time.
  • Climate change has already begun to have far-reaching environmental impacts, including many adverse effects on wildlife, natural resources and the ecological processes that support access to clean water, food, and other basic human needs.
  • These impacts, combined with direct harms to people, property, and physical infrastructure, pose a serious threat to the enjoyment and exercise of human rights across the world.
What shall we do as KDIS community? : 자세한 내용은 하단 참조

What shall we do as KDIS community?

  • Climate chage poses an enormous threat to the lives and well-being of individuals and communities. It is already contributing to drought, ecosystem degradation, and food shortages across the world
  • Therefore, we, as KDIS community, can mobilize available resources such as knowledge, skills and experiences and act for sustainable, human rights-based development
  • We can also facilitate meaningful and informed participation of everyone in the fight against climate change