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Events & Seminars

2024 Inequality Symposium

  • Name연구기획팀
  • Date2024-06-14 15:16
  • Hit8,551
  • Place4F Lincoln Hall&Ambassador Hall
  • Event Date 2024-07-05 ~ 2024-07-06

Dear students,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the <2024 Inequality Symposium>. The event will be held from Friday, July 5th to Saturday, July 6th at KDI School. Further details about the event can be found in the attached poster and via https://m.site.naver.com/1oRq8

Please note that only [Session 2 (13:00-)] and [Session 4 (16:00-)] on Day 1 (Friday, July 5th) will be conducted in English. The rest of the sessions will be in Korean.

About the Event:
▶Title: 2024 Inequality Symposium
▶Hosted by: KDI School Gender Research Lab & Population Policy Lab / Korea Inequality Research Network
▶Date and Venue: Friday, July 5th ~ Saturday, July 6th / Lincoln Hall and Ambassador Hall (4F) / KDI School, Sejong, Korea
▶Registration Link: https://m.site.naver.com/1oRq8
▶Due date: RSVP by Friday, June 21st

We hope that this event will serve as a valuable opportunity to engage with distinguished academic professionals and participate in open communication with fellow researchers from diverse backgrounds.


Thank you in advance for your interest and consideration.

2024 Inequality Symposium / 2024. 7.5(Fri) ~7.6(Sat) / Venue: KDI school of Public Policy and Management Lincoln Hall & Ambassador Hall / Hosted by: KDI school of Public Policy and Management Gender Research Lab & Population Policy Lab, Korea Inequality Research Network / KDI SCHOOL X Korea Inequality Research Network / RSVP(~2024.6.21) 구글 폼 바로가기 이동 https://m.site.naver.com/1oRq8

2024 불평등연구회 학술심포지엄 / 2024.7.5(금) ~ 7.6(토) / KDI국제정책대학원(Lincoln Hall & Ambassador Hall) / 7월 5일 (금) / 10:10-10:20 개회사 / 10:30-12:00 [세션 1] 노동/경제(Lincoln Hall) 한국형 주택금융화와 전세사기: 주택가격 상승 및 전세가율과 전세사기 유형에 관한 다수준 분석(김기성(한국도시연구소)), 노동경력 내 지위이동과 소득 불안정성(이수빈(연세대)), 빈곤의 재 탐구: 자산과 소득의 결합을 기초로(이성균(울산대)), Career Ladder or Trap? Analyzing Job Transition of Young Gig Workers in South Korea(유지인 이채영 | 임수민(KDIS)) / 12:00-13:00 점심 / [세션 2] 교육(English Session) (Lincoln Hall) 13:00-14:15 Education expansion and trends in education wealth gap in South Korea: (un)changing returns to tertiary education 김현진(펜실베이니아대), Gender Disparities in Vocational Education: Implication for the Korean High School Credit System 윤예린(보스턴대) /  How Neighborhoods Matter for Academic Performance: Causal Mediation Analysis on the Role of Private Supplementary Education as Neighborhood Characteristics 정승연(연세대) / 14:00-15:45 [세션 3A] 헬스(Lincoln Hall) / 우리나라의 교육수준별 도시화 정도에 따른 시군구 수준 자살률, 2015-2020 김익한(고신대) / New Media Use and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly: Challenging ‘the more, the better’ approach 이도훈 |최재성(성균관대) / Shut-Ins or Stay-At-Homers? Exploring Social Interaction and Network Patterns Among Korean Youth Using Latent Class Analysis 김모경(KDIS) / [세션 3B] 젠더(Ambassador Hall) / Trends in the Gender Gap in Students' Occupational Expectations in South Korea 변수용(펜실베이니아주립대) / Unveiling Gendered Widowhood Effects: The Role of Regional Gender Norms in South Korea 유해슬(연세대) / 이중적 배제: 시민 참여에서 나타나는 젠더화된 학력 간 격차 박한울(연세대) / 16:00-17:45 [세션 4] 청년의 인식 (English Session) (Lincoln Hall) / Getting married and perceived status among young adults in South Korea 권다은(KDIS) / 불공정으로 인해 느끼는 한국의 2030 집단의 상대적 박탈감 강연욱(KDIS) / Online interventions to moderate male victimhood ideologies 김조은(KDIS) / 7월 6일(토) 10:00 - 12:00 특강: 실험방법의 다양성: 설문조사 실험을 넘어서 장한일(국민대) /12:00-13:00 점심 / 13:00-14:30 [세션 5] 가족/인구(Lincoln Hall) / Consequences of Low Fertility: Childcare Center Closures in South Korea 이효주(코넬대) / Educational and Employment Status Variances in the Intendedness of First Births in South Korea 김여진(강원대) / 부모와의 관계와 유배우 여성의 추가출산 의향 계봉오(국민대) / 부모의 사회경제적 지위와 성인 딸에 대한 시간 자원의 이전: 노년기 부모의 손자녀 양육 지원에 있어서의 코호트 차이를 중심으로 인정(코펜하겐대) / 14:45 - 16:00 [세션 6] 일과 가정의 양립(Lincoln Hall) / Korean women's work - family trajectories and mental health outcomes 박지애(전북대) / ‘워킹맘’에 대한 태도 변화 - 일하고 싶은 경력 단절 여성을 중심으로 서혜림(성균관대) / Universalization of Childcare and Women's Career: Evidence from South Korea's Reform 최재희(듀크쿤산대) / 주 최: 불평등연구회, KDI국제정책대학원, 젠더연구소·인구정책연구소  / 주관: KDI국제정책대학원 젠더연구소·인구정책연구소