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[RSVP] Research Seminar by Prof. Man Cho (Oct. 21, 10 AM)

  • CategoryKDIS Notice
  • Name연구지원팀
  • Date2022-10-19 14:24
  • Hit2,167

KDI School is pleased to announce a research seminar on October 21(Fri) as below:

■ Date and Time: October 21 (Friday) 10:00 am

■ Topic : Data Economy Ecosystem: Concepts, Expected Effects, and Sectoral Innovation Cases

■ Presenter: Prof. Man Cho

■ Venue: Zoom online seminar


※ further spread of COVID-19, the school decided that research seminars will be conducted via Zoom.

   A live streaming link will be provided later, only to participants who reply through RSVP link below:

   - For students who are willing to attend this research seminar, Please RSVP through HERE

※ RSVP Deadline : until October 21(Fri), 09:30pm