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Alumni Association Representative's Meeting (15 February, 2023)

  • NamePR Division
  • Date 2023-03-02 00:00
  • CategoryReunions
  • Hit235

Alumni Association Representative's Meeting (15 February, 2023) 사진1

Alumni Association Representative's Meeting (15 February, 2023) 사진2

On February 10th and 15th, the Alumni Management Office at KDI School held virtual meetings with Alumni Association Representatives from each country. Two separate meetings were held to accommodate members residing in different time zones.

During these meetings, the school and representatives exchanged cordial greetings and discussed pertinent matters regarding their association. The school provided updates on upcoming alumni programs and shared information on how members could actively participate in these events. The meeting served as a platform for members to share ideas and stay connected to the KDIS alumni network.

Overall, the school found the meetings to be very productive and a valuable opportunity for the KDIS Alumni Association to strengthen its bonds. We hope to host more meetings regularly in the future to build connections and camaraderie with our alumni.